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Authors notes: omg this is the last one, I never thought I would ever complete a story that everyone loved. I'm so glad I wrote this it's been awesome and I've loved ever minute and ever comment ever sent. So I hope you love this last one and if or when I have time I'll try to write a part 2.

August 24 -September 23

Ruling Planet: Mercury

The God in charge of intellect and speed but don't worry because Virgo likes to take their time in the sack!! Virgos have two sides to their personality. The Virgin and the Vixen. They may want you to THINK they are all sweet and virginal, but they are definitely NOT!However, Virgos are looking for a long term partner, not a one night stand or an affair! They tend to seduce with finesse, charm and subtlety so you may not even realize you're being lured by a Virgo!! Once Virgo has been in a relationship for awhile, they get engrossed in housework and things like that, which can cause a serious dip in libido. Do NOT let this happen! They are definitely more of a "can we cuddle instead" sign that a 'let's get it on!' one when committed.

FAVE POSITION: Almost anything, as long as it involves eye contact!

BEST SEX TOY: It's more of a game. Write down five wild sex acts and put them in a bowl. Get Virgo to pick one out at random, and then do what you're told!! Virgo LOVES spontaneous sexuality!

VIRGO MALE IN BED: You can be quite boring at times because you have set views on how a woman should be. You don't mean to criticize or offend, but your perfectionist ways may drive your lover loopy! You DO have some kinky ideas though, but it is difficult to get to the bottom of your passion! You are a creature of habit, so if your lover can get u into the habit of sleeping with her, who knows what might happen?

VIRGO FEMALE IN BED: You are hardworking and careful about your appearance, but you really do fantasize about getting down and dirty! You are a secret romantic and crave the perfect lover. Since the perfect lover doesn't exist, you'll take what you can get! You are quite insecure and need a partner who will adore you. You have strong passion beneath that practical exterior and are just waiting for someone to unearth it!

THE BEST WAY TO TURN ON VIRGO: Virgo's have a VERY sexually sensitive tummy!! If you wanna make them putty in your hands, stroke, lick and kiss their stomach!! The area from the bellybutton DOWN! Once you have them squirming, you can have anything you want!! Just remember to keep one hand on their tummy at all times!!

Author's notes:well it's been fun, and I hoped you guys enjoyed it. I love you.

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