Chapter 2

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Armando's POV

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Armando's POV

The meeting was a lot longer than what I thought it would be, I had to sit and listen to idiots argue back and forth about who's idea was better. After a while I grew sick of it and just kicked them all out, my phone had been on silent mode and when I checked it I seen that I had about five missed calls from Noah. I cursed under my breathe and hurried to call him back.

"What the actually hell Armando! We were supposed to leave an hour ago! I've been sitting in the parking lot waiting for you." He said.

"I'm sorry the meeting was longer than what I expected it to be." I said as I walked to the elevator before pressing the button to the bottom floor.

"So a meeting is more important than your sister's life?" He snapped.

"Relax Noah, I'm coming down now." I hung up the phone and took a deep breath.

Noah was going to chew me out and I know it but I needed him to calm down before we did anything further. I didn't need him to be high stung when we arrived at the location he could potentially get hurt and that wouldn't be very ideal. If Alexis really was there, and I was hoping she was, she would be mortified if anything was to happy to him and then would place all the blame on herself.

The elevators door opened and I hurried to the car. Inside Noah was counting to ten and taking deep breathes. He turned to look at me, his eyes basically bulging out of his head and veins popping from his forehead.

"Listen, if you don't calm down I will go alone and you will be stuck here." I said.

"I'm fine." He said through gritted teeth, his hand was tightly holding the steering wheel.

"I'm serious Noah, you look like you're on crack." I stated.

He took another deep breath and relaxed. "I'm fine."

I nodded my head "Well let's get going then."

He didn't need me to say anything further before he stepped on the gas. We were headed to a location that an anonymous source had sent us. We assumed it was a trap and avoided going to the location but we were becoming desperate and this was the only thing we had right now. Just some random location.

The car rise was silent, I kept glancing over at Noah to make sure that he was still keeping his chill but he seemed to be in control. Every now and then he would twist his wedding band and  I would suddenly feel sad for him. He never too it off, every since Alexis' disappearance he has been wearing it. He was a hollow shell of the man he once was and everyone knew it. We've been trying for months to get him to go to therapy but he refused. The only thing that could possible save him would be Alexis' safe return and that's what I was praying for.

"We're here." Noah said as he pulled in front of an ran down looking house.

There were a few cars parked outside and the lights were on inside indicating that someone was here.

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