Introducing the States: Part 1 Oldest and Youngest

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Hello everyone! This my first story that I ever written in wattpad, so please no hate comments (I can't take criticism very well for some odd reason). So yeah please enjoy and please forgive me if I get anything wrong about the states, just tell me if I do and I'll try to fix it. ENJOY!

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia. I own the Original Characters: 50 states


Hello Everyone, I'm Daniel Jones or Delaware. I'm the first state and one of the original thirteen. Mornings in Dad's house are really loud, especially when some of us are fighting. Why? I have no idea and I think I won't find out ever.

Anyways, I was sitting on the couch reading a book in peace. Only to be interrupted by someone yelling. oh great here we go again....

"Danny!" a voice yelled as someone threw their arms around my neck, making me drop my book on the floor.

I looked behind me to see a girl with black long hair, brown eyes and a lily in her hair. She was wearing a medium floral dress, a flower neck lace and bracelet.

"What is it Liliana? You made me lose my page." I said turning back to the book on the floor and picked it up

"Sorry Danny, I was wondering what you were doing." she said letting go of my neck and sat down next to me

"I'm reading a book Lily." I replied looking through every page to find my place.

Liliana Jones or Hawaii, she's the youngest next to Alaska. She's really sweet and rarely fights, unless you break her toys then she does fight. She's only 12 so she's pretty young, in human years that is. I on the other hand look like I'm 18 or 20, but I don't care. None of us really do.

"Oh what book is it?" She asked leaning in closer to get a better look

"It's a fantasy book called Narnia." I said

"Oh can you read it to me?" Hawaii asked

I looked at her surprised "I didn't know you liked this sort of thing."

Hawaii giggled "I course I do silly! I always loved Fantasy books, they're so fun!"

I smiled at her, then turned my attention to the book and started to read. After a few hours she fell asleep on my shoulder, I sighed closed the book and set it on the table in front of me. I picked Hawaii up so I can get up, then slowly placed her back down on the couch careful not to wake her. I smiled again, then covered her up with a blanket that was on the other couch.

Then I went on the seprate couch, too tired to walk up upstairs and fell asleep.

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