Chapter 1

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Hi! My Name is Ally I live in North Carolina, I have blonde hair green eyes and I'm ratchet, I'm Just kidding!!! I'm home schooled I have my mom and dad and my brother......Matt yasssssss !!!(sarcastically) I'm just kidding about that I love my brother but you know we have those times when there annoying and all that but he's always there for me when I need him, and he can always get a good laugh out of me, (DINOSAUR FACE)😂 But let's move on from that my brother INVITED ME TO MAGCON!! On all of my social medias comments read "oh I wanna meet Matts sister"
"You should go on Magcon" yeah I have a lot of followers cues I'm his brother but I also love to make people laugh and I also do a pretty good dinosaur impression if I say so myself. I can't wait to meet his friends!

*SKIP TO 8 before Magcon*

"Matt I can't find the cereal!!!"

"It's in my room" Matt yelled,

"Why do you eat cereal in your room it's weird"

"I don't know I just do he yelled back"laughing

I grabbed the cereal, fruity pebbles my favorite, got milk a bowl and spoon and you mix it all together.😂 After I was done eating breakfast I went to my bathroom showered, strengthened my hair, put on a daisy yellowish crop top on, white high waisted shorts, white converse and a daisy headband. I also put on some mascara, concealer and some powder. After I was done I grabbed my suitcase and backpack went downstairs and into the car off to that airport.
I started to drive I looked in the passengers seat. SHIT MATT. I turned around to see Matt in the drive laughing.

"Damnnn, Ally sis you almost freakin forgot me"

"That's the point" I said smiling

"Hey, that's not funny" he said turning around pretend in to fake cry.

"Say your srry" he yelled and turning to me with his bottom lip out and his eyes widened

"I'm sorry Matt baby" I laughed, I turned on the radio ONE DIRECTION

You don't know you'll understand why I want you so desperately. Me and Matt sang the whole time to the air port, that's what I love about him he loves One Direction. When we got there we went through security and got on the plain we were in first class holy shit balls I be never been in first class, there were a lot of old people there😂👌 I sat in my seat it was in the front of first class Matts was in the back of first class he gave me a sad face and pouted because he wasn't by me. I put my earplugs and listened to One Direction I. Had the window seat👌. Then I kid sat by me with gorgeous blue eyes and brown hair I gave hime a smile and he gave me a ugly smirk and looked at his phone, gosh what his problem.

__Nash's POV__

I git in the planes at in my seat texting my girlfriend, Mckenzie

"Nash, I don't like you I like James he actually sleeps with me unlike you"

"Shut up Mckenzie I don't want to sleep with a slut" Literally she is a slut she cheated on me 3 times I forgave her all the times, I'm so pissed off at her I am done with her,

"Ok Mckenzie I'm breaking up with don't ever talk to me again" I looked up and say a really pretty girl next to me she smiled but I was so mad that I ho gave her a ugly smile she seemed ashamed that she smiled at me and I was nice to her back that while ride we were silent I fell asleep waking up with the girl on my shoulder sleeping one me . I just stared for a bit at her wow, she's gorgeous!!! She looked up

" oh srry I was sleeping on you ... Oh that didn't come out right oh srry"

"It's fine" I said in a angry one why the hell am I being so mean to I don't know why I guess I'm still just mad about the whole Mckenzie thing. Pick headed off got my bagged and went to the hotel everyone for the magcon event.

__Ally's POV__

We headed out got our lugged and got to the hotel, I absolutely hate elevators once I got stuck in one for 2 days, but I sucked it up and went in cues my dint want to carry my shit up 5 flyts of stairs.i started To shake

"It's ok "Matt said giving me a hug he also got stuck in the elevator with me before but he got over his fear of elevators but I'm still afraid of them.(obviously)
We finally got done with the elevator it felt like a 5000000 years. Then we finally we got to the hotel room Matt knocked on the dorm a whole bunch of guys came out and a few girls hugging Matt I was just awkwardly standing behind them quietly

"Who's this" a guys pointed

" just a girl I picked off the streets"

"Very funny Matt" I said sticking out my toque at him he stuck his back

"Oh there brother and sis"someone yelled I started laughing and everyone else did.

" Ok well this is my sister Ally"

"Hi everyone yelled

"So Ally his is Cameron, Cartar, Taylor , Brent , Jc, Kian, Alison , Melissa, Jessica and Nash" NASH! That's the kid in the plane I've never seen his vines before.

Nash gave me a disgusted look I gave one back.

"So, watch ya'll wan do" I said

" Let's go swimming" Matt said jumping up and down clapping his hands, then all the boys started doing it.

"Ok" I said everyone went to there separate rooms and got there swim suits I grabbed my purple bikini, went to the bathroom and changed. Went down the stair case this time but then u saw Nash walking down it inflows wen down so he wouldn't notice me but he did.

" what are you doing" he said with his face all red in shock

" going to the pool"

"Why didn't you take the elevator?!" He snapped

"Why didn't you?!?" I snapped back

"Never mind" he said waking to the pool

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