• Chapter 3 •

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(Starshine's POV)

Once the lever was pulled, it activated the few small gears that laced the inner roof of my house.

A small hatch opened up in the ceiling releasing a ladder that fell down slowly to the floor.

Calmly walking towards the ladder, I began to climb up the bars when I heard what sounded like a hum of confusion.

"What are you climbing a ladder for? Can't you just fly up there?" I heard Tinkerbell ask.

"Of course I could...I just..." I started, blushing a bit once I got to the explaining part.

"What is it?" Tinkerbell asked, too curious for her own good.

"I...This house didn't belong to me at first, it belonged to the previous star talent fairy, the one before that, the one before that and so on. I'll just cut to the chase and say not all star talent fairies are...built the same. I can't fit though the hole while flying" I told her, my face brightly illuminated in red from my embarrassment.

"Oh...sorry I asked" Tinkerbell said scratching her arm in slight guilt, though she seemed to have a look of understanding in her eyes.

"It's alright!" I replied and quickly disappeared into the area above the inner roof.

The large dome shaped room immediately encased me in the darkness it held within.

"Alright everyone! Up and at em, just because it's light outside doesn't mean we can just lay around and be dim all day" I called out into the darkness.

One by one, the medium sized stars that lazed about the room began to glow with an immense brightness. Small chirping began to fill the room as the many stars crowded around me in excitement.

Laughing in amusement, I quickly calmed them down and got their attention.

"So here's the gist of it, there's new tinker fairy down there and we're gonna show her everything we've got!" I told them with a bright smile that almost reflected their own starlight.

Lots of chirping came from that statement, the stars began twirling around and flying all over the place. The room began to glow with intense immensity as the almost pixie dust like particles fell off the stars from their movements.

"Okay! Okay! So here's what we're going to do..."

(Tinkerbell's POV)

"What's she doing up there?" I asked Bobble and Clank as I listened to the noise coming from the upper part of the house.

"She's waking up the stars, they're always tired after working all night you know?" Clank said with a surprisingly patient look on his face.

"Is that why she seems so tired? Caring for the stars?" I questioned.

"Yes, in fact there was once a time where she traveled to the mainland every single week to make sure the stars got there alright. We had to practically tie her wings to get her to trust the stars enough to go on their own!" Bobble informed me.

"Wow! Every week? That sounds amazing!-er it does sound very tiring though" I said in reply.

"Shh! It's starting!" Clank whispered to us.

Multiple clicks from inside the walls made it's way to my pointed ears. As I glanced around in anticipation, the roof of the house suddenly began to split apart revealing a dark dome shaped room which elected a sharp gasp from me. As our wings faintly glowed in the darkness, small dim lights began to appear in the darkness.

Tilting my head, I watched with bated breath as the small light's began to gently glide around and sparkle even brighter than pixie dust.

"Woah...are those...?" I whispered in questionable awe.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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