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Idol from 765pro was asked to discuss stage for joint concert and they gonna make more than one to get some opinion from other production too.

Producer already give some idea but the rest will think by idol it self and will be discuss again with other production. Since it will be a lot of idol they must think like what the stage look like.

But after a lot of opinion, 13 idol leave the rest to them main leader to decide it.

Miki: "nee how about we take some references from other stage look like."

Chihaya: "so dane, we can get some idea more after we see it."

Haruka: "then we'll search it tonight at usual place."

At night, Miki and Chihaya already in the practice room waiting Haruka, that probably little late in the way.

Haruka: "sorry, i'm late."

Miki: "we waiting here, so let's started."

Chihaya: "before that get some rest first, you just running to here right."

Haruka: "ah arigato Chihaya-chan."

Chihaya: "then what you got about it."

Haruka: "ah haik, i ask the other and give me them stage picture."

Miki: "not really different, but some point it is."

Haruka: "desho, that's why i still thinking how to put all together in one stage."

Chihaya: "i think we can make new one with this all point."

Miki: "ah we gonna mix all point together and became new stage."

Haruka: "i still not really get it."

Chihaya: "i mean, first our stage, so normal right and from theater team really like a theater, but from 345pro is like castle, 315pro more to them unic concept because them unic unit and 283pro with wing at both side the stage."

Miki: "i see it, we need to make this five stage became one perfect stage."

Haruka: "souka, hm... But each them not just have production symbol right?"

Miki: "hm we have to search it, ah wait i think i have something."

Miki look something im her phone while Haruka and Chihaya confused what she's doing.

Miki: "ah found it, this might be can be used."

Chihaya: "to make five of us different but have same thing."

Haruka: "each production with each character is so great, i think we created new stage."

Chihaya and Miki just smile looking Haruka happy face and started to draw the stage that perfect for joint concert.

They do this until so late almost midnight and they finally finish it. A stage that will be born new memory for them all.

Tomorrow morning Haruka and Chihaya walk back to 765pro for talk with producer about the stage that they make and Miki go to theater team for give them stage idea for help them. But the rest said Mirai at the park so she move to find her.

Miki: "yo minna, sorry to interrupt."

Tsubasa: "Miki senpai."

Shizuka: "is there anything we can do?"

Miki: "ah no i just wonder if theater team already make our stage costume for joint concert."

Mirai: "we just want to ask the other idol to ask them production image."

Miki: "no need to do that, i'm here for give you all the stage that we done, hopefully."

Mirai: "sugoi, already full with five different image too, ah i think i got one perfect idea for this stage too. Arigato Miki senpai."

Miki: "no problem, sore jaa i have to go with Haruka and Chihaya to talk the stage more."

Tsubasa: "jaa nee Miki senpai."

Mirai: "arigato Miki senpai."

Shizuka: "arigato, we will do our best."

Miki then leave theater team and head back to 765pro. Haruka and Chihaya already there so they can discuss it more with producer.

A lot of thing they ask and finally get agreement. Now stage finally done with five different image but one same purpose.


Aaaaaa so tired...

I really have hard time to write this...

And i hope i can draw too, to show reader-san what stage that Zaher imagine

But reader-san can imagine it too.

So see you at next production

Bye bye 👋👋👋👋👋👋👋

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