6 months later

44 4 2

Ty said we're moving today and I totally forgot to pack my bag. So Ashlyn helped me pack everything. after that disaster , we went to the airport and waited for our flight. "all passengers on the plane to la. " the intercom announced. We got our bags and raced to the plane. I sat at a window seat next to Adam. I then drifted into a dreamless sleep. Adam woke me up so we could get off the plane since it landed. we got to the house and claimed one room for me and Adam. Me and Ashlyn pushed everyone out so we could paint their rooms. Jason and Ashlyn's room was galaxy and them in the middle with a heart between them. me and Adams was a field with trees , plants and stuff like dat. I painted our mc skins sitting down next to each other with a heart between us. Quentins was a white room with a pokeball next to his bed. Mitch had diamond blue walls with betty in the middle of a wall. Jerome had a jungle for his room. Ian had cake painted wall. his took the longest. Ty had black walls with headphones that looked like his minecraft characters. we painted the living room with all of us floating right above the huge tv. "you guys can come back in now." I opened the door and all of the boys gasped. "OH MY GOD BABE, YOU AND YOUR SIS ARE AMAZING AT PAINTING!" Adam exclaimed. "wait till you see our room." i told adam leading him to our room. He instantly hugged me when he saw it. "its amazing!" he said. He excused himself to go record so i was left alone. i listened to Intoxicated by the cab. (hopefully on the side) i could hear Adam through the walls cuz he was screaming. i knew he was safe cuz he screams alot in video but this time he didnt stop. i threw my ipod and ran down the stairs to the recording room. Someone was holding a gun to his head and covering his mouth. the person whispered to me "your going to be mine one day" then he just disappeared. I went to Adam and caught him before he fell to the ground . i was happy he was ok. i kissed his forehead.


Adam said to download some mods and get on a world. i joined the world and it said to follow the budder blocks. i walked into a apartment which looked like the one we met in. We kept walking through the building which reminded me of the times me and Adam had. At the end it was a black room with a white question mark. i asked Adam but he didnt answer."look behind you." i heard Adams voice say. I saw Adam kneeling on one knee with a box in his hand. "Avalon , ever since i met you i knew that i was going to marry you. will you do me this honor and be my player 2?" i started tearing up. "YES, A MILLION TIMES YES!". I saw Ty come out , holding a camera. " well there you go guys, Avalon and Adam are engaged. Stay tuned to see the wedding in the future." Ty said excitedly with a hint of sadness. I could tell that he was sad because me and Ashlyn were growing up. I was too excited to say anything.

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