like father like step son

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AmazingPhil & Dan Howell


Genre: Smut, Daddy!kink, business!man Phil

Warning: It's a lot of porn. Age Gap (Dan:20), Spanking, homophobic slur.

Word Count: 10 700

Summary: Dan is 20 years old and parentless. Which is why the paternal foster-father next door takes it upon himself to help Dan out. But Phil isn't Dan's dad. He never will be. He's just some "nice" guy who thinks that he can make a change in people's lives. It's bullshit, Dan thinks. That is until the change Dan gets is just the one he needs.

Dan took a hesitant breath, a carefully slow, thought out breath. It wasn't until Dan exhaled that he realized his breath wasn't slow, it was in fact, shaky. His socked foot teetered over the first step of the stairs. He had tried to step down, but everytime he did something new had caught his eye.

Standing all the way up here, Dan could see the clear mess that was the main floor of the house. Children toys scattered across the hallway, so much so, that even Hansel and Gretel would think that they lead somewhere. The house was always this bad. Always a disaster. If someone asked Dan what colour carpet he had, he'd tell them that he thought they had wood floors the whole time. Dan was no James Bond, but it would take some careful maneuvering to make a tumble free descent with all the tickle-me-Elmos in the way of the steps. Hence his current disposition.

Dan told himself that it was too much of a mess to head downstairs, but he knew deep down that he was really just searching for a delay. After some mild meditation and internal encouragement, Dan made his way down, safely so... for now.

When Dan reached the bottom of the stairs, he slung his knapsack off his back and tossed it to the ground. And since his coat was already tangled around his knapsack straps, he flung that off as well and let it drape over the railing. Like Dan said, the house was already a mess. He wasn't actually making it any worse because no one would actually be able to notice the new addition anyway. If everything was already a mess, he can't make it any more messy. Perhaps, Dan's life motto as well, in a way.

Dan fished his hand down his back pocket to check, and yes, the slip of paper was still there... unfortunately. Dan took his second shaky exhale, ruffled his hair, and headed down the hallway... The closer he got to the room he was heading toward, the louder the keyboard clicks became. The very quick, professional sounding keyboard clicks that only meant one thing; business. When Dan reached the end of the corridor, his knocks on the closed mahogany office door made the clicks stop all at once.

"Winnie, are you up from your nap...?"

Dan swallowed hard. "Phil?"

"That's not Winnie..."

Dan could hear the disappointment in his voice. Phil already knew.

Dan scratched the back of his neck. "Uh, no. It's Dan..." Dan's head lobed against the wooden door giving one last final knock of defeat.

"Daniel, shouldn't you be at school? What's hap-"

"Can I come in?" Dan gulped.

There was no answer. But Dan knew this kind of silence from the other kinds of silence. This silence meant yes you may, but I really wish you weren't.

Dan carefully pushed open the door, mindful of its swing, and padded his way over toward the office desk. Behind sat Phil. Dan, without saying a word, fished the paper from his back pocket and let the pink slip sit beside Phil's laptop. Dan gave it a small push with his pinky finger, sliding it closer.

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