Chapter Eighteen

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I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I smacked my lips and yawned, stretching my arms over my head and bending over as if to touch my toes.
I looked around and saw everyone was gone from their mats, besides Tsuki. He was still sleeping soundly on his mat across the room. I got up and took my pillow and blanket with me, setting them beside Tsuki. He rolled over, allowing me to see his face. His lips were perfect, the shape and feel.
Thin, but in the shape of a oval with a bit of plumpness to both. Soft and warm. I laid down beside him and curled up in a ball, watching his side go up and down as he breathed.
After a minute, his eyes fluttered open and I let out a squeak when he looked at me. I rolled over and covered my face, hunching my shoulders.
"Sorry," I said, my apology muffled by my hands.
Something warm snaked around my waist, pulling me into his chest. I slowly relaxed and grabbed my blanket, putting it over us both for more warmth.
He nuzzled the back of my neck, exhaling deeply. I couldn't help but smile at his behavior. I guess he was soft like this when we were alone or no one was looking.
A warm blush spread across my face as I snuggled deeper into his hold.
I looked at the door, praying no one walked in. If it was Daichi or Suga, I wouldn't mind as long as they didn't really push into the subject about what happened.
As if on cue, the door opened, making my heart race with anticipation.
Kageyama walked in, stopping mid-step when he took in me and Tsuki.
He relaxed and I gave a tiny wave. He returned it and came over, kneeling down.
Tsuki's breathing was slow and deep, his heart rate was slow and steady, telling me he was asleep.
"I was supposed to get you and Salty, but I'll just tell Suga and Daichi that you two are just...talking."
I nodded. Suga and Daichi both seemed chill enough to not bother us if they thought we were talking, especially since we had been in a small misunderstanding yesterday.
Kageyama left, closing the door softly behind him.
I let out a breath of relief.
If only we could spend all day just laying around and snuggling, it would be heaven.

(Here's just a chapter of fluffiness! 💖 I got...two, or is it three chapters in one day?? (!)
Anywho, hope you enjoyed what my brain came up with and pray I update soon for another ship until I figure out how to get Hinata back into a grown-up boy so he can finally kiss the angry blueberry that was made after a flying fish.)

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