Unique and Hayes (Dirty )

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Unique's POV:

"LETS GO DAVIDSON DAY !" all of us cheerleaders screamed/yell.

This was the championship game and we were down by 5 points . We needed one more touchdown and we will win !

Hayes Grier #7 btw my crush 😍 ! Passed the ball to #10 Jack green (idk it just came to my head 😂) and we scored a touchdown !

Everyone went wild ! All the football players gathered around each other and cheered us cheerleaders ran out there and congratulated them.

"Congratulations Hayes !"

"Thanks Unique !" He said .

Wow I'm surprised he knew my name .

After everyone calmed down and all the boys and us girls were getting our stuff we all decided to have a party at Hayes's house for the celebration .

* the next day *

Today was Saturday which meant the party !

The party doesn't start till 7:00 and it's only 11:45 am .

I ate waffles for breakfast then relaxed for a little bit .

• 3:00 •
I looked at the clock and it said 3:00 I ate a little snack then got in the shower .

When I got out it was 3:15 . I wanted to dress something a little bit casual and a little bit not casual . About 5 mins later
I found a(n) outfit .

It was a cream colored laced top with some jeans and low top converse .
(👆 outfit on top 👆)

First I put some undergarments on then I put my outfit on . I blow dried my hair and then curled my hair in little waves .

After I finished my hair I put on some foundation , then I put eyeliner and mascara on , after that I put some eyeshadow that matched my shirt and made my blue/gray eyes pop a little .

By the time it was done it was 5:00 .
(Hey beauty takes time 👏😂💯)

My friend Carly texted me that she will be at my house in an hour and a half. I texted her back then watched tv .

* 6:45 *

I heard a knock on my door and there stood Carly .

"Hey girl !"

"Heyy !"

"Let's go !"

I grabbed my phone then locked the door and left .

* at Hayes's house *

This party was crazy !

People dancing everyone and having fun .

That's when I told Carly,

"I'm gonna go get a drink ."


I went in the kitchen got drink and as soon as I turned around I accidentally bumped into someone luckily my drink didn't spill .

"Oh ! I'm so sorry !" I said

"Oh it's fine Unique ."

I recognize that voice it belong to Hayes Grier !

I looked up and his gorgeous blue eyes stated at mine .

"Hey how about we go upstairs away from everyone ." he said with a smirk .

I said, "sure."

Hayes grabbed my hand and brought me upstairs which I'm guessing is his room .

"So why did y-"

I was interrupted by Hayes lips crashing on mine . I kissed back almost immediately .

He picked me up and laid me down on his bed we broke the kiss to take off our shirts and shoes .

We reconnected our lips and had a heated make-out session .

Hayes started to kiss down my jawline and down my neck .

"Hayesss" I moaned

He kissed lower and took off my bra and I covered my boobs .

"Don't cover up your beautiful" then gave me a kiss on the lips . I was blushing hard .

He kissed on my boobs and sucked on my nipples .

"Hayess" I moaned .

He kissed down my stomach until he got to the hem of my jeans . He unbuckled my jeans and I lifted my hips so he could pull down my jeans and underwear .

Hayes kissed my inner thighs and then stuck his tongue in my pussy .

"Ugh Hayes !" I moaned

A couple mins later I came all over his tongue and he licked my juices all up .

He crawled back up and kissed me and I could taste myself on his tongue and I moaned .

I flipped us over and went down on Hayes I rubbed on his boner through his jeans .

"Unique" Hayes moaned .

I took off his jeans and boxers and his dick sprung up and hit his lower abdomen .

I licked his dick from the bottom to the tip and sucked on his tip .

"Omg Unique !" Hayes moaned .

I shoved his dick in my mouth and bobbed my head up and down .

Hayes grabbed my hair and pulled ,

"Yess ! Unique !" Hayes yelled/moaned .

After a couple mins of me sucking Hayes dick he came I. My mouth and I swallowed it all .

I crawled back up and Hayes flipped us back over .

He grabbed a condom out of his nightstand and put it on .

"You ready ?" Hayes asked .

I shook my head yes and Hayes slowly entered . I waited a couple of mins till I was adjusted to Hayes big size (😏) and then I bucked my hips to let him know that he can go .

Hayes thrusted in and slowly . I wrapped my legs around his waist and Hayes went faster .

"Ugh omg Unique your so tight ! Feels so good !" Hayes moaned .

"Hayes , faster !" I breathed/moaned out .

He went faster if that was possible .

"I'm close !" I moaned

"Me too !" Hayes moaned .

Soon after we came at the same time . Hayes pulled out then threw the condom away .

We laid there for a few mins then Hayes asked ,

"Unique ?"

"Yes ?"

"Look I have had a crush on you since I first saw you . Your beautiful blue/gray eyes drew me in . I love you Unique . So will you be my girlfriend ?"

"Awe Hayes . Of course I will ."

He brought me closer to him and kissed me on the lips with passion .

We got dressed then went back downstairs and had fun for the rest of the night .



So sorry this took so long . 🙈

School and volleyball has been kicking my ass 😩😭😂😂

But here you go Unique hope you like it 💕😏

I will try to upload more soon but I know I can't tomorrow bc I have a tournament tomorrow 😩

Bye 😘❤️

Hayes grier imagines (clean/dirty/cute/sad)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora