Chapter Five

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"Fuck off, you creep," you growled, glaring at Shigaraki.

He smiles, your eyes flicker to his chapped lips and you look at his red eyes. You found it odd how chapped his lips are and that he just has this interest in you that's pissing you off. You don't understand why he keeps looking for you or even trying to look for you, but him finding out where you work is something you wished wouldn't have happened.

"You interest me, [Name]," Shigaraki said.

The most uncomfortable and cold shiver went down your spine after hearing this bastard say your name. It almost made you want to throw up just hearing your name come off of his tongue. It was gross. Uncomfortable. Disturbing. Horrifyingly bad. You wanted to go back in time just so you can stop this bastard from saying your name. You never thought you would be so disgusted hearing your name come off of someone's mouth like Shigaraki's. It's horrible.

"Don't say my name again," you groaned, rolling your eyes.

Shigaraki chuckled, a sadistic smile on his chapped lips. "But [Name], I want you to join us."

"There is no way I'm joining your stupid group," you snapped, anger burning inside you.

Who does Shigaraki thin he is? Asking you to join the League of Villains? Fuck no. You don't want to be a villain nor do you want to be a hero. You just want to be a baker inside your little bake shop and cook sweets then go home to your lovely boyfriend and child. You aren't going to put your life at risk being a villain nor do that as a hero. It's a waste of your time although it may not be a waste of time to those in those career fields. You aren't going to do it.

"You could become powerful," Shigaraki offered, taking his hands out of his pockets of his hoodie. "You can become stronger with your Quirk. You can stand up against the injustices that the heroes have done to you and get revenge on them. You can get revenge on whoever has done you wrong and prove to them that you can show them to never come across you again."

You grabbed a knife swiftly from the shelf and cut a long wound down your inner forearm. You didn't let out a hiss of pain as you've grown a little numb to the pain. Your arm started to bleed and you activated your Quirk, using your blood to harden and form a sword. You glared harshly at Shigaraki, pointing the sword at him as the point of the sword is dangerously close to him.

You breathed heavy, trying to calm yourself down as you narrowed your eyes at the baby blue haired villain. Your arm bleeding and your blood dripping onto the tilted floor below you. You didn't care. There's no customers in your shop and you aren't about to let some villain in, thinking that you aren't going to stand up or defend yourself against them. You are going to find some way to get this villain to leave you the fuck alone.

"I will not ask again, Shigaraki," you hissed. "Leave right now and leave me alone or I will fight you. I may not have a decent grasp of my Quirk, but I won't hesitate to kick your ass."

Shigaraki smirks. "Okay. All right. I'll leave you alone."

You didn't say anything and Shigaraki walks towards the exit. You lowered the blood sword, watching the villain stop at the exit and look over his shoulder at you. His smirk widens and he exits the shop with the jingling of the bells in your bakery. You let out a sigh, the blood sword turning back into the liquid form and splatters on the ground. You let out a sigh, leaning against the counter near the cash register.

You heard the bells ring again and you pushed yourself off the counter, ready to harden your blood again, but it isn't Shigaraki that walked through. Your eyes raised an eyebrow, seeing a man with a black surgical mask and an olive green bomber jacket with a black dress shirt underneath. The man's eyes widen at seeing your bleeding arm and you were shocked to have a customer see this.

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