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The three of them settled down in their seats and Type looked at Dinh placing his hand on Tharn's. He felt fury ignite inside him once more. He wanted nothing more than to lunge at him and wring his neck in that moment. He couldn't understand why he was feeling like that. Something about the way he was behaving around Tharn just made him want to hurt him with his fists.

Tharn looked at Type staring at their hands with a crazed look in his eyes and slid his hand out from under Dinh's to place it on his thigh. Because their conversation was cut short by Dinh walking out of his bedroom earlier, Tharn knew that Type was still sceptical about him from the way he was scowling angrily at Dinh's hand on the table. He knew he had to convince him that there was nothing nefarious about Dinh. The fault laid completely on him and no one else. He needed Type to believe their relationship was real, even if he wasn't entirely convinced about it himself. "What do you want?" He asked to distract Type from his thoughts.

Type tore his gaze from Dinh's empty hand on the table and looked up at Tharn. The immediate thought that came to his mind was that he wanted Tharn to leave Dinh. He was as immediately taken aback by that thought so, to distract himself, he picked up the menu and mindlessly started flipping through the pages, not really registering what he was reading.

"I want to have something spicy," Dinh said. That caught Type's attention. "Tharn can't eat spicy food," Type immediately said before he could stop himself. Dinh stared at him, surprised, and then turned to look at Tharn. "Is that true?"

"Yeah. I can't handle spicy food. My stomach is a little sensitive," Tharn replied, feeling the familiar sense of happiness of Type saving him from consuming spicy food for the second time. "Oh, sorry. What should we order then?" Dinh asked as he moved closer to Tharn to show him the menu. Type stared at him with anger, feeling a sudden urge to lob the menu in his hand at his head for trying to cozy up to Tharn. It felt really heavy in his hand too. It would deal satisfactory damage.

Before he could actually do that, the chair next to him was pulled back, distracting him from his mission. He turned to his side to see Kemp smiling at him. His face helped him come to and he mentally thanked him for stopping him from almost taking his friend's boyfriend's head clean off. 

"Hey, guys! Sorry for being late. The traffic was a real bitch," he said as he settled down. "No worries. We haven't even ordered yet. We were just looking at the menus," Dinh said with a smile. Kemp nodded and sat down and turned to look at Type. Type smiled widely at him because he had just saved him.

Tharn stared at Type beaming at Kemp and felt uneasy. It was the same unsettling feeling he had felt when he saw Type laughing at something Kemp had said to him earlier when he was on the phone with him on the balcony. He didn't want to give in to his mind that was constantly overthinking every situation and conjuring up situations that were not even real, so he chalked up the way he was feeling to Dinh trying to hold his hand under the table. That was definitely what was making him uncomfortable. Not Kemp and Type's friendship. He looked back down at the menu, not really registering what he was reading. 


"You really want to eat fried chicken? There are so many better dishes. Just take a look at this section. Why don't you just get a baked salmon?" Dinh asked Tharn as he flipped his page to the seafood section. Type turned to look at him, the anger reigniting within him, because whatever Tharn wanted to eat was Tharn's choice. He couldn't understand why he was trying to control what Tharn wanted to order. 

"That sounds good. I'll have fried chicken too," Type said looking straight at Dinh. Tharn felt a jolt of joy at Type backing him up. He really wanted fried chicken, but due to his nature, he could easily be convinced into ordering something he didn't like. And, as proof of that trait, he was just about to give in to Dinh's suggestion. Even though the thought of baked salmon made his stomach churn. Type had just saved him once again and he couldn't help but smile at him stupidly.

Dive: A TharnType StoryWhere stories live. Discover now