Chapter 1

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"Hey get back here you little shit!" Dave, the manager of the service station yelled out as he ran out of the store. He was a rather large man with a white singlet that was far too small for him, beads of sweat clung to his forehead

Kirra laughed loudly as she ran out of the store and threw her skateboard down and jumping into it, immediately skating off with a giant grin on her face "it was great seeing you again Dave. Thanks for the sodas" she called out and sent him a quick wave before lifting the bag up into the air that was full of about seven cans of coke that she had just stolen. Inside was also a packet of cigarettes and two packets of gum, also stolen.

"I'll get you you little shit" he called out again but by now she was king gone, though the smile on her face was still prominent

She skated down the cement pavements and on the road between the cars, occasionally flipping her finger up at any of the cars who had decided to beep at her

Finally she had arrived at the comic book store. Kirra quickly flicked her skateboard up and held it under her arm as she walked in

"Sup frog brothers, it's great to see how well the store is going, it's really lively in here, with all these people in here I think I might start to feel a bit claustrophobic" the girl said with a shut eating grin on her face as she looked around at the empty store

"Shut up De La Cruz" Alan growled at her but had a grin on his face. Kirra reached into the bag and grabbed two sodas out and chucked each brother a can before pulling one out for herself

"Which poor unfortunate soul had to deal with you this time" Edgar asks as he steps forward and opens the can

"I don't know what your talking about" the girl replied and smirked even wider as she said "and I don't really care either"

The girl walked over to them and then pulled herself up to sit in the counter with her legs dangling off the side and Alan couldn't help but admire the girl for a moment as she sat there.

She had long brown hair that hung losely down her back and their was a red bandana wrapped around her head. She had deep blue eyes and hundreds of freckles spread out across her cheeks. She was wearing blue jeans with random rips and a Guns N' Roses shirt on. There was also a black bandana tied around her wrist.

People around town only saw the girl as trouble and a lost cause. She lived with a dead beat dad that couldn't seem to give two shits about her ever since her mum had died in an accident when she was 11. But now she was 15 and she didn't care what people thought about her. People thought she was a wild child so thats what she became.

The only people who saw the girl for who she really was were the two frog brothers and their hippie parents who were usually nowhere to be seen. She wasn't grateful for much but she was definitely grateful for the frog brothers.

"So are you two idiots going to the music festival tonight?" Kirra asks and takes a sip of her soda before grabbing a cigarette and pulling it to her lips and lighting it

"No smoking in here dumbass" Edgar tells her and grabs the cigarette out of her mouth and then stomps it into the ground quickly

"Well that was rude" she says with a pout "and it also wasn't an answer to my question"

"We can't. Our folks need us to watch over the store tonight" Alan tells her though she knew that the two brothers wanted to go to the concert

"Come on... I need someone to dance with and I know that the two of you want to go, you kiss them every time" Kirra says with a sigh and then jumps off the table "you never know, maybe after we could go vampire hunting or something"

It did sound like a great idea and both boys wanted to do it but they had already promised their parents that they would watch over the ship so they couldn't.

"We can't. And besides if we did go, we're probably gonna have to break up another fight again" Edgar said with a smirk on his face

"You're still going on about that? Come on E, it was one fucking time. Besides the idiot deserve led it, he touched my ass" she said and rolled her eyes

A few months ago, the brothers and Kirra went to a concert and some guy who was a little bit older than them decided that it would be a good idea to grab her ass and squeeze it and then he also had the audacity to laugh about it afterwards and call her babe.

"One time?" Alan asks with a grin on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest

She had turned around and punched him right in the jaw, immediately splitting his lip. He had went to attack her and it broke out into a full in fight. It didn't last very long and Kirra had won the fight and it was clear. She had a bleeding nose and a small cut in her cheek while his eye was completely swollen, his lip was cut he was now sporting a broken nose and a bruised cheek.

And it was most definitely not her first fight. She had gotten into many fights before, she knew how to fight and she almost always won. Someone had to look out for her so she figured why couldn't it be herself. So that's how it worked.

"Come on guys seriously it's gonna be fun and you're missing out if you don't go" she continues but then lets out a sigh and gives up knowing that is was no use and that there was no changing their minds "fine"

"Try not to get into too much trouble while you're out there. This towns not safe and you really shouldn't be drawing attention to yourself" Edgar warns the girl

"Trouble? I never get in trouble" she says with a grin and then grabs her bag and begins to walk to the entrance to the shop and she opens it widely to leave but before she walks out she stops and turns to them quickly "thanks guys, but I can look after myself" and then she left

The brothers reached turned to each other and sent the other a knowing look. They knew she could look out for heldeof but they were getting seriously concerned especially with all of the missing children and deaths that have been happening recently. They also worried because they knew that it was extremely likely for the girl to go to her house at night, they didn't know where she stayed or slept.

She needed someone to care about her, sure the brothers cared about her but the relationship between the boys and the girl wasn't super strong. She didn't trust people and she didn't let people in, she was afraid to open up and show her emotions to anyone. The girl had gone through more pain than anyone they had ever known and yet they had still never seen her cry or be sad. She joked to hide her true feelings and she turned her sadness into anger.

She needed someone she could trust.

Someone she could open up too.

Someone who would care about her more than anything.

And nobody had expected that she would be meeting that person later on that very day

Comic boy and Skater Girl - Sam EmersonWhere stories live. Discover now