Merelsa... I think (Merida x Elsa).

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Hey guys! Here's another ship that I found, Merida x Elsa. Honestly, if you go into my bio in my account, you will see that I prefer Merida alone. Just like Elsa and Moana. She's that princess that doesn't need a man in her life, she just wants to be free and do whatever she wants. She's independent and strong. Now I'm not saying that you can't be independent and strong and not be in a relationship cause there are probably alot of people who can. Like Mulan, those she's dating yet, they still stand for her rights.

Okay! Enough about Mulan! What I'm trying to say is.... Yes but also hell no. I say yes because due to them both being independent and strong minded girls, they would understand each other very well but then again, I don't really see these two in a romantic relationship. I'll say more of a best friend type of relationship or sisterly bond, like how Elsa is with Anna.

But it's a good ship all in all. I like it, not that much, but I like it.

What do you guys think?

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