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Tony: Hi, everybody! Tony Stark speaking, welcome to the avengers YouTube channel. Today we are going to play a little game. I am happily joined by two best friends from the team: Steve and Natasha!

Steve: Hello!

Nat: 'sup?

Tony: And my acolyte, Rhodey!

Rhodey: Hey, guys. So, we're going to play Truth or Drink. The rules are simple, we ask you questions and you choose to answer it or not.

Tony: And if you don't answer, you take a shot!

Steve: But it's 3 in the afternoon, can we get non-alcoholic beverage?

Tony and Rhodey look at each with a thoughtful expression then both look back at Steve.

Both: No.

Natasha laughs: Are you afraid to spill out all of your secrets, Rogers?

Steve: You wish.

Tony: Let's get started.

Rhodey: What's the first thing you would do if you woke up one day in the other's body?

Tony: Rogers, you have the floors, sir.

Steve: Oh, um, Nat you want to go first?

Nat, smiling: Sure. If I woke up in your body one day, the first thing I would do is try to act like you and fool everybody. Then at the end of the day, I would get them in an embarrassing situation and reveal myself.

Steve: I definitely wouldn't be able to do that. I think I would just straight away go to Bruce, or myself.

Tony, looking at the camera: I'm not even surprised this is his answer. *mouthing* boring.

Rhodey: Alright, Tony. Next question.

Tony: Who's the least person you like in this room?

Steve and Natasha: You.

Tony: What? How dare—

Rhodey: Moving on! Who's the person you like the most in this room?

Tony: Ooh, good one.

Steve, without hesitation: Nat.

Nat: Oh, that's funny. This happen to be the same answer I was going to give.

Steve snickers and Rhodey chuckles.

Rhodey: Apart from you

Nat: Honestly, I think, after me obviously, that would be Steve.

Tony: Come on, you guys! You sound like middle-aged parents, your answers suck.

Nat: Maybe if asked better questions, we wouldn't have this problem.

Rhodey: Touché.

Tony: Hey! You're supposed to be on my side.

Rhodey: She's right, tho.

Tony: Fine. Have you ever had a sex dream with someone from the team? If yes, who was it about?

Natasha looks at him with a shocked expression. She shrugs and takes a shot.

Nat: You got your answer. Steve, what's yours?

Steve, blushing slightly: Well, um, I suppose I'm going to... Take a shot.

Steve takes a shot and smile softly at the camera.

Tony: Wait, what! I gotta know, Cap. You can't just take a shot.

Rhodey: He can, that's the rule.

Tony: But I gotta know!

Rhodey rolls his eyes: Anyway, guys, who would you be most embarrassed to introduce the other too?

Nat: Anybody, really.

Steve, offended: What?

Nat: I mean, sometimes you act as if you're still in the 40s and I don't blame you for it, but it can be embarrassing.

Steve: Oh, okay.

Nat: Don't be offended.

Steve: I'm not. I just wasn't expecting that..

Nat: Steve, I don't—

Tony: As much as this is interesting, we have other questions to go through with.

Steve: Right.

Tony: Ooh, it's my turn! Um.. what is their greatest asset physically?

Steve and Natasha looked at each other with a thoughtful expression.

Nat: Oh, his body, of course *gesture to his body* that is a masterpiece. Have you seen those muscles?!

Steve, blushing: You've seen my body?

Nat take a shot sipping it loudly: your t-shirts leave little to the imagination.

Steve: Oh, um. Well I think your greatest asset is your eyes, they're really beautiful.

Nat: Thanks.

Tony and Rhodey observe the two for a moment then look at each other with a smirk. They knew what they had to do.

Rhodey: Do you have a crush on anyone from the team?

Steve blushes, clears his throat: I— I'm going to take a shot.

He reaches and takes another shot. He glances back to Natasha and she instantly blushes. Tony and Rhodey widen their eyes.

Tony: Is the Black Widow blushing?

Nat: Fuck off, Stank *stands up and takes a shot* We're done here, bye guys.

She looks at the camera and waves before leaving the room.

Tony: I guess it means that we've come to an end. Anyway, I think we will do more of these, that was fun!

Rhodey: Oh, we will. That's for sure. *looks at the camera* Who should be next? Which questions do you want to be answered?

Tony: You know what to do; like, comment, blah blah blah.

Rhodey: Until next time.

The three men wave goodbye and Tony stops the video.


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