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"Are you.....sure about this?" Avocato and Pawblo were walking down the streets of  Ventrexia.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Ever since I got in contact with my Dad again after all these years, he's been wanting to meet me in person." Pawblo shrugged.

Avocato chuckled. "I don't think your dad isn't going to like me. Not after what I did serving the Lord Commander."

Pawblo grabbed his lover's hands and held him close. "Hey, don't be like that. If he doesn't like you, who cares? We can just leave the minute he says something bad."

Avocato's eyes showed how nervous he was. Pawblo planted a kiss on his forehead. "It's okay, Avo. Don't be nervous. I'm here."

Avocato nodded. "Okay then. Let's do this."

They soon stopped in front of a small house that looked abandoned. The color was faded and there was a lot of junk scattered about.

"This is the place."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. He sent me a photo."

The two of them walked up to the door and knocked. They waited a moment until they heard noise coming from inside. After that, a few footsteps can be heard running towards the door, and the door soon opened.

It was a ventrexian. Possibly in his late 40s or 50s. He had the same fur color as Pawblo, but it was a bit darker and grey, due to age. He was wearing a blue long-sleeve shirt with grey pants.

"Hey.....son. It's me, Butch. Your dad."

Pawblo smiled slightly and walked over to him. He gave him a hug. "It's....it's great to finally meet you."

"Same here." He pulled away. Butch's attention now centered at Avocato.

"Hey, sir. I'm Avocato."

"Uh....son? Do you think we can talk in private?" Butch looked at his son. He soon pulled Pawblo into the house and closing the door. Avocato stood there, waiting.

Pawblo was confused on what was going on.

"Pawblo, son. Not to be a buzzkill, but WHY did you bring this guy here?!? He's the Lord Commander's right hand man!"

"Dad, relax. He was betrayed a long time ago. That's all in the past."

"They almost doomed Ventrexia! Our kind!"

Pawblo felt a little frustrated. "Look, Dad. I know that he has a bad history, but.....let me explain some things. Maybe you'll understand."

"......Alright. But I'm going to hold you accountable."

Pawblo nodded and went outside to tell Avocato that he was going to talk with him, and that he should wait there where he was.

Pawblo soon began telling his dad why Avocato was no longer with the Lord Commander. He told him about his kid being captured and taken prisoner. He told him about how they met, how they got dragged into an adventure together, how they fell in love with each other, and much more.

Butch was feeling a bit more relieved while hearing his son tell his tale. He was so surprised to hear about his son living a great life. Not only that, but that he was Avocato's boyfriend. He seemed a bit iffy about the Lord Commander's ex-second in command dating his kid, but he was alright with it.

"Alright. I've heard enough. Let him in."

Pawblo opened the door and Avocato walked in. Butch stood in front of him.

"Well.....not so tough without your Lord Commander around, huh?"


Butch soon burst into a loud laughter. This left Pawblo and Avocato confused.

"I'm just messing with ya, man. Pawblo told me everything. Including the fact that you're dating him." Butch walked closer and rested his hand on his shoulder.

"My son must care about you a lot if he was willing to back you up. Despite your history....you're okay in my book, Avocato. Just don't hurt my son."

Avocato nodded. "Uh....yeah, sir. I won't. You can count on it." He turned his head to look at Pawblo. The two of them were smiling.

Butch laughed a little. "Come on! Into the den. We should discuss your wedding."

"Our what?!?!"

Pawblocato One-Shots (Final Space)Where stories live. Discover now