Chapter 1

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(y/n) lee was the most popular girl in school. All the guys wanted her and all the girls wanted to be her. And so that's how we got to what was happening right now.

I was being overwhelmed by all my so-called "friends". Do you know how difficult it was to have the whole school liking you. All I knew was that I couldn't wait to get out of this hellhole of prejudice.

I wanted to get to the rally early today, so I'd have to leave school early. That's right I'm part of the HLM movement but no one knows that. I am a husky hybrid but in this place hybrids aren't let's just say welcomed with open arms.

But this year something has changed. This year a group of hybrid students have joined Kamahi High. This was a big surprise to everyone as they were the only hybrids in the school, other than you and you keep your true appearance only outside of school.

Today went by quickly luckily enough for you. I left and got to the place where the peaceful protests were being held. I hid in the alley and revealed my ears and fluffy tail. I put on my mask and before I left the school today I took out my contacts and put on my glasses. One of the normals at the rallies greeted me. " Hey Alpha, good to see you again" I greeted her back "Hello Anastasia, good to see you too." As people started grouping up around the podium about an hour in, I prepared myself to go make my speech. I walked up to the podium and started speaking "Hello Hybrids and all supporters, for those of you who do not know I am known by the name Alpha. We will become equals and equality is key we will not rest till we are all EQUAL!" I ended and got others chanting. I walked down and got enveloped into the crowd and stood in the group and started walking down main street peacefully protesting. As we reached the stopping point I heard someone behind me stiff the air near me.

I felt someone tap me on the shoulder as I turned and saw the new group of hybrids in the school. I think they refer to the group as BTS. As I turned I was met with feline-like eyes,soft plump lips, a delicate nose and pale complexion. The cheetah hybrid asked me "Do I know you?" at the question I got nervous and responded immediately "No I don't think you do" I decided that I wouldn't risk being noticed and left the rally early rounding a corner into the alley and taking off my mask. Little did I know I wasn't the only one there and there were not one but seven pairs of eyes watching me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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