my friend tagged me so....

467 5 49

heads up swearing festival haha

1 do you care about what people think about you

I mean normally I don't care but I also do care once it reaches a certain point

2 middle name


3 favorite sport

Horse riding (it is a sport I would like to clarify that)

4 Someone you can't live without

my psycho Arabian horse, Ghizmo

5 best friends

my fellow hweets and my quintet of friends from school, and my group of seven friends from the barn

6 nickname

see I don't really have one but my friend from ig gave me on which is lena so yeah i guess

7 are you cute or sexy

I would say neither, I'm more on the tomboy side rather than cute or sexy. I usually dress in baggy clothes so it's up for you guys to decide

8 pronouns

she/they with a preference of they

9 has anyone asked you out

no because i don't really put myself out there because I'm socially awkward

10 three pet peeves

This is horse related but a pet peeve is when you make a mistake in riding or something goes wrong and you blame it on a horse's behavior when it could be a hidden injury or your fault

if you flat out ignore people when they try to vent to you, only if the vent is consensual though.

people who don't take care of their own problems

11 do you believe in soulmates

i do but not just romantically it could be pets, friends, or romantically.

Honestly I feel like I found my dream horse even though we have our rough spots it's great

12 are you emotional

not really but every once and a while I let it all out and it doesn't end well

13 words you say often

Ghizmo, Seungmin, skz, fack,Lee know, hweet, he herb, deez nuts, and many more

14 picture of youself

no thank you I'm not yet comfortable

15 favorite picture of someone else

That's Ghizmo for people who don't know

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That's Ghizmo for people who don't know

16 tag people


A/N: whoever plays cookie run kingdom and is interested in being friends on the game please drop your username in the comments or dm t them to me!

Also a side note: to whoever Is having a rough time with grades, school, home life, overall life I deeply encourage you to please reach out to someone. I am here to listen but I find it super hard to give advise so if you just want to vent and let it out I can listen to you!

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