Chapter 2

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Feyre's POV:

We drove to our new school 'Prythian Higschool' and began walking into the school.

As we walked in, I was lost for words

The school was magnificent, it was somehow fancier than our home. Nesta grabbed my arm pulling me along to the principals office to get our tour.

We walked into the office when we were met by a sweet lady

"Ah, you must be the new girls" she said

"That we are" I replied

"I'm Alis, welcome to the school I will go and tell the principal you are here while you three fill out these" she said while handing us some forms.

We had just finished the form when a male with red hair who looked ancient said "Hello girls, I'm Mr Vasanarra but most students just call me Beron"(internal eye roll) "I have organised for two of our best students to give you a tour" As he said that, the door swung open and two males "walked in, one with blond hair in a green tunic and the other looked like Mr Vasanarra

"Good morning," said the blond one "I'm Tamlin and this is Lucien."

I think Lucien was supposed to speak but his eyes were fixed on Elain as they roamed her up and down

"Lucien?" Tamlin asked elbowing him in the ribs

Lucien's eyes shot towards Tamlin "What? Oh yes, please follow us to your lockers."

They both turned and left the room with all three of us following behind, Tamlin and Lucien continued talking about the history of the school and where all the classrooms were until we finally got to our lockers.

"These are your lockers, here are your schedules. You guys have fun. First period begins in 30 minutes so feel free to put your books away." Tamlin said

We thanked him and I looked down at my schedule
Feyre Acheron
P1 Art
P2 Math (11th grade)
P3 Sport
P4 English
P5 science
P6 math (9th grade)

I internally sighed, I forgot that I had signed up to do Junior level math, my dad told me that I could do it and I didn't want to let him down.

Before we knew it the bell went and I walked over to art alone after saying goodbye to my sisters.

I walked into the classroom and sat down while grabbing my sketchbook out. As I sat down I heard a girl next to me say "Excuse me dear, but this is my seat" the girl looked like a 10th grader and had bright red hair.
I looked up at her "I'm sorry, but I know that there isn't any assigned seats" I said in the same tone she used with me

"I'm sorry, did you just talk back to me?"

"Yes, and I won't be moving so yea, bye" I said dismissing her.

She seemed like she was going to reply but the teacher thankfully walked in and began the lesson

What a great way to start my very first class

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