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Cheese On Toast

Warning: Just John and the band (but mostly John after their last tribute concert), really sad but this is a AU (alternative universe) where John didn't leave. We miss u John take care, wherever u are~

A/N: I wanted to post the following chapters after this and do vote


Your POV

I was a close friend of the band, met them when they first became Queen. Touring some pubs before they eventually got to record their first ever album, I met them through a pub ofcourse, helped them in some kind of way and eventually being a mutual friend of theirs until now. It was already been months after Freddie's tribute concert, the band was to swore it's the end of the band, John even threatened to leave and hide from the world I believe he solely belongs. I told him that, even told him that Freddie would want him to stay but knowing Fred, he would let the young lad on his own decision as it is to live his life. Even get a girlfriend for God's sake is what Freddie will pin point in John's decision, Roger continued on his musician life as Brian focused more on being his astrophysicist self. I for the love of God loves astrophysicist Brian, Roger did more wonderful songs like he always, always claims to do and John, well... He was stuck on a broken record.

Playing the same part all over again till he bursts out every now and then, we didn't blame him we just couldn't be with him every time to say that: 'Hey, we miss him too.'

This day, I know that maybe John wrote a few lyrics here and there but never made a song. It has different beautiful concepts, his journal notebook which he has some lyrics here  here from already released and unreleased songs. I was called in by Roger that he won't make it to John's for tonight as he is in for a pitch full of schedule, I was in no inconvenience but I noted that I will be late to come in John's as my job ends an hour after Roger's usual visit. *Are you joking Y/N? You know that I come rather fashionably late... John is used to an hour or so already, I'll let him know.* He giggles and shrugs his own laughs to inform me, what a memory to remember. *Much more early than Fred though...* His silent chuckles whispers off to nothing but a gasp as my chuckles tone down as well, Freddie is too iconic to remember. *Yeah, Fred... The queen, the thing that you'll wait for even if he's a week late... Oh god.* I hear his gasping chuckles as I myself tears up lightly, smiling as we both remember the all so lovable but cheeky man. *I... Sometimes think that maybe he forgot his schedule, his husband even... So when the time comes he check his schedule once again, he'll just burst in the door and maybe... Maybe...* I smiled bitterly, I hear Roger sniff and laugh. *He would say... Y/N and Roger, crying for me?! Did the heavens finally gave you too fucks to give back to me for some reason?... Will even soften off and not joke around to comfort us.* I laughed along, thinking about Freddie's all so fading posh accent when he speaks, much more different than when he sings. Authentic and indeed one of a kind, Farrokh Bulsara.

We ended the call as my break is over, getting over to my desk at a local bank my friend asks who I was talking to when she got in the tea room. I smiled bitterly and sighed, she nods and sighs as well. Holding my hand after from her chair, she smiles at me to make me mirror her and so I did. "Mr. Deacon will get through this with the three of you. As always, it's a secret!" She cheers lightly as we pinch our pinkies together with a sealed promise, (Your Friend) has been understanding after finding out your were a close one to the famous band. "Thank you love..." I smiled once again as we got back to work.

Around 7:15 at night I was finally free and ready to go, I got in my blue car, the car that the band got me after celebrating in my newly found work a few years when we were younger. They didn't want to risk me getting caught up in something nor getting violated at night, they took care of me since then even until now but what made me shy and shocked at the same time was John, he suggested everything. From the surprise in getting my new job even without me telling them to the car and gifts. After stopping by for some bread, butter and cheese I finally arrived at John's home. A farm like lot with a single house in from the distance to the gate. I knocked on the door to wait for the man I was waiting to hold for some days now. "Wait a minute!" He stutters as some noise stumbles around the living room, I peeked through the window nearby and saw John setting up dinner. He even prepared something for my mini diet, a fruit bowl, a literal one full of berries and chopped fruits like mangoes. I got back in the front door as he opens it, clothes all lopsided and messed up, an apron barely hanging from his waist as he gets by the side for me to come in. I got my shoes off and by the door, John always loved to have the feeling of nothing by his feet and he lived by it till now. He got my grocery in the kitchen counter as we began to eat. Dinner was peaceful and nothing but shy stares here and there, some starting of a topic but only to be cut off by the other's intensive stare. It was peacefully comfortable and nice until I saw the bandaged left wrist of John's. He didn't notice the hurt and tears in my eyes as he continued to stare shyly at his food to eat.

"What's that?" I asked suddenly, looking for the reaction of his face when looked up. Shocked ofcourse, he knew what I was talking about and he looked away. "You aren't gonna talk?" I asked once again as he only looked down and his his hands down the table to his lap. "John." I started to release some of my tears in that solid call as he only shook his head, visibly almost crying too. "Richard... Please?" I stood up and leaned forward the table, he on the other hand looked back at me. We were both tearing up and vulnerable, much more exposed than when were with Brian or Roger. He finally whaled out from his cry. "No one will boss me around anymore! No one will encourage me to speak anymore! No one will defend me anymore! No one will make me write songs anymore!" He screams as I walked off to him at the other end of the table, our food almost to finish. "I could do that, Brian and Roger could also... John, I-" I attempted to hug him but maybe it was not the best fit as he pushed me to the ground all mad and hurt. "You're not Freddie." He looks down at me but then on cries even more, sitting back while covering his face. "I'm sorry... You know?" He adds up, stuttering as he sits further down the chair.

"Its okay, Freddie will understand. I understand Richard..." I kneel in front of him as I hugged and cares his almost grey hair. "You do?" He asks looking up at me as he hugs back, drawing me back up. Almost making me sit on his lap to spoon. "I do love..." I smiled, feeling both his cheeks as he leans in with a smile. His legs were apart as I was standing in the middle, his hands pulls my waist closer as I too, lean in. Reaching in a forehead and nose touch, we settled for seconds to laugh before we leaned forward to a kiss. "I fancy you... John Richard Deacon." I teased by his full name, he smirked back but eventually could down to a pout. Looking at the wrist he got up for me to look. "Promise me? To never do it?" He asks as I grew confused. "I should be asking you that." I got my pinkie out as we sealed in, we eventually got to watch something after our dinner. I got the time to properly care for his cuts, which he winced and complained about. Even offering that I should kiss him to make it feel good, trickster John.

By the morning I woke up in bed, John already shaking me up as he has cheese on toast, his favorite with some tea by the side table. He was on top of me, kissing around my face as he offers a toast to me. "One please!" I ordered teasing, he smirked and kissed back for much longer after he got my food and bit in the other end. I grew flushed as I blush harder. We eventually got to kissing and making out early in the morning.

"Hurry, we don't want Roger to eat some of this cheese on toast, right?" He asks finally to see his true smile once again.

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