Thank You

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The first chapter of this story was published on August 12, 2016.   After four years, this story has come to an end.  And the last time I had updated before the currently updates today was chapter 4 on November 22, 2017.  That was nearly three years.  For almost three years I didn't update.  And I'm sorry for that.

It took a long while, but it finally came to an end.  I'm happy with the end, I wrote everything I wanted.  I don't have any regrets about it.  I think?

I had a lot of fun writing this, it was a new experience for me since this was the third fanfiction I started.  Though the second one was started the same day as this one.  Just that the other one was posted before this one.

This was also my very first time writing anything with 1827, or anything of a boyxboy type of story.  For the first one I ever wrote, I think I did okay with it.  I certainly learned a lot.

Especially that my heart seriously can't handle certain things.  Especially the thought of even putting anything pretty heated.  I feel like I'd probably die from just typing it.  Heck I get all embarrassed just thinking about it.

So I will explain a bit about what has been going on, and maybe some of you who read my other work will want to know why I haven't updated in a long while.

First, I have had some seriously writers block on some of my work.  And some of them, especially on "Guardians undercover" I just can't type what I want.  I have so many ideas, that I just can't get what I want typed.

That's what has generally been happening.  But as of recent for this past month, well a little over a month, I had planned to update a lot of my work.  But that will take a long while, especially after today since I wrote quite a bit of chapters all at once.

A little over a month ago, I hurt my arm.  Well it first started with my elbow, then my entire arm all the way to my shoulder started to hurt.  I had been sharpening some knives of mine and also some of my mom's.  And well one of hers was so dull and horrible.  Not even sharp.  So there I am sharpening it with the new sharpening stone thing I got.

And I guess I might have moved my arm the wrong way or maybe overused it.  Or maybe both.  But after that I started with some pain in my right elbow.  Thought nothing of it, then days later my entire arm was just hurting so bad.  Swelling every single day, and couldn't move it much.

Now it's much better than it was before, but I still have some problems with writing with a pen/pencil and even typing hurts and is uncomfortable.  And now just typing this is really starting to take a toll on me.

I've used my left hand more to the point that that arm is starting to hurt a bit.  So I'll be taking a longer break that I thought with updating my other work.  Especially after today since I seriously overworked my arm.

Though I hope that I'll be better to get something done by the end of this week.

ANYWAYS, there are some things you should know.

Currently I am writing chapters to be put in a book called, "Journey Through Universe" and no I'm not the only one.  There is a team of great writers who also are part of this.  Writers, editor and graphic designers.  All there working together.

I personally really like the idea of this a lot.  So if you want to go check it out, go over to the profile of LuLu-2004 and find it there.

Also if you're into reading some Vampire Knight, I have two works on that.  One is a one-shot called, "Echo of the past" and the other is still ongoing called, "Fatal Attraction."

Thank you for being with me on this long journey and reading my work.  Thank you so much.  Now off I go to put back on my brace and use an ice pack to put on my arm.

So here is to my last sign off.  Thank you for sticking with me for all these years and reading "The Carnivore's Herbivore" Thank you.  It means a lot.  Damn, I want to cry now.  This the second time that I've wanted to cry with the ending of a story.  So far I have four stories finished.  And only two have made me want to cry.  "The Carnivore's Herbivore" and "Rain" those two have made me almost cry at giving the last sign off.

So here it goes, my last time signing off for this story.

So that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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