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It didn't matter if it was writing her thoughts in her diary, short stories in a journal, articles for newspapers, essays for homework, letters to her parents, simple reminders on her hand, quotes on parchment to stick on the walls of her room or even the supportive notes that she would write anonymously to the people who she thought needed it like;  to the boy with the horrific scars and kindest words, the boy with the brightest smile and saddest eyes or to the boy who was so desperately trying to prove that he was strong.

Sometimes, it was completely okay to not be okay, and it was very comforting to know that somebody somewhere not only paid attention to you, but was also rooting for you (in a non-creepy, stalker-ish way, of course). 

Maeve was completely fine with being anonymous. In fact, she preferred it. She had gone seven years without her identity being disclosed and she prayed that that fact wouldn't change for the rest of her existence.

Which was why she was practically horrified to hear that the Marauders were looking hard and wide for the person who had been leaving them and everybody else these notes for the past seven years that had gotten them through thick and thin.

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taylor swift as Maeve Macmillan:

taylor swift as Maeve Macmillan:

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~ Author's Note ~

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~ Author's Note ~

Maeve is inspired by all my fellow writers who wish to share their love of creation with the world. I love you all :) 

Shout out to all the Hufflepuffs in this world, including my little brother! 

Somebody's notes in this book is heavily inspired by things that I have read and heard, which is why they might seem familiar. I've forgotten where and by whom exactly I heard them, but I'll credit whenever I can, like how the analogy in Chapter 6 is influenced by the k-drama Pinnochio. 

This book, and all my books, are dedicated to the amazing DianaAdrianaPotter who is my real-life Somebody, constantly motivating, inspiring, supporting, encouraging and just, over-all, being the best chaotic friend in the universe, the multi-verses and all the alternate dimensions and time-lines. Love you girly! <3

Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time out to read my book and I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Stay safe everybody.



Love, Somebody ~ Marauder's Era AUWhere stories live. Discover now