Chapter 8 | maeve had a puppy. she also had peace.

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--------------------------> IT HAD BEEN NEARLY FIVE WHOLE MINUTES since all the students had shuffled down and seated themselves in the Ancient Runes classroom

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--------------------------> IT HAD BEEN NEARLY FIVE WHOLE MINUTES since all the students had shuffled down and seated themselves in the Ancient Runes classroom. There was also a clear divide of the houses that could be seen with Gryffindor occupying one end of the classroom with Slytherin in the other and a mixture of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff seating themselves in between; as if to act as barriers between the lions and the snakes.

Yet, despite the class having technically begun, the glaring absence of their teacher was hard for anybody to ignore. So instead, they behaved like good students and took advantage of the fact that Professor Babbling wasn't present and started to chat and create conversations amongst themselves.

After another eight minutes of stolen, cautious chatting, the students had come to a simultaneous, nonverbal conclusion that they would not have a class that day. Although, they were all still hesitant to leave due to a lingering faint fear that Professor Babbling would walk through the archway of the room at any second and would direct her wrath upon them should they do so. Thus, they settled for talking among their friends, all except Halley who was still too engrossed in the book that was supplying her with the knowledge of curses to kill people.

Maeve, meanwhile, was speaking with the three-quarters of the Marauders. She had known James for most of her life. Both Mrs Potter and Maeve's own mother had had trouble conceiving children and their frequent visits to the same healer had brought them close. After that, the two of them had been absolutely thrilled that their children were the same age and had arranged many play dates with each other. Not to mention, since the Macmillians and Potters ran in the same social circles, James and Maeve knowing each other before attending Hogwarts were inevitable.

Although Maeve and James were good friends who chatted often, arranged study dates and even helped each other occasionally in their respective endeavours; they weren't part of each other's main group of friends.

James had instantly clicked with Sirius, Remus and Peter when he stepped into Hogwarts while Maeve had found comfort and warmth within Bruce (who she had also known from before Hogwarts due to the similar occupations of their parents), Halley, Kate and Max. James and Maeve were friends. Best friends, even, but each other's fourth option.

Unfortunately, the topic of conversation among them had not shifted from their transfiguration's class. James and Sirius seemed intent on discussing how someone like Snape could receive a letter from Somebody with Remus occasionally chiming in, much to Maeve's dismay.

"Do we really have to talk about this?" Maeve asked, a pleading tone intertwined in her tone. "Why don't we talk about something else- literally, anything else. Oh, how about puppies! Do you like puppies? I like puppies. Puppies are cute. I wanted to have a puppy when I was younger but apparently, I'm allergic to dogs and--"

"--Oh, I remember Mr Puppy!" James interjected with a ring of nostalgia and amusement.

"Of course you do." Maeve rolled her eyes. "You tried to sit on him when we were kids."

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