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It felt like I had been laying in my bed all my life, the sunlight from the windows interrupting my very long sleep. Groaning and not at all eager, I sat up. I really didn’t feel like getting up, especially in the morning. But I was already poor enough, I don’t need to be homeless. Lazily, I swung my legs off my bed and got up, heading to the closet to get changed. Putting on what I usually wear, a baggy hoodie with shorts and high socks with sports shoes. Only thing I liked and I still looked good in.

Sighing as I tied my hair in a ponytail, heading to the kitchen to get some ‘breakfast’. Which was literally just bread and mayo with a cup of water. If no one could tell, I’m a kid that didn’t go to college and recently moved out. More like being kicked out though.  It was nearly impossible to find a job that doesn’t require you to have a degree in japan, mine just had to be the worst of them. With a shitty sexist narcisstic boss, to barely any pay that lasts me through the week, and to very rude customers that were sometimes regulars.

Can’t believe as a child I wanted to work in the fashion lane, now I’m just a cashier for an old worn out clothing store that barely anyone comes to. Only reason I took this job is because they’re the only ones that accepted my resume. I miss my manga, my tv, and even my game consoles. Now I just live in a shitty apartment with a shitty life. However, my friends weren’t assholes. Which reminds me, JunJin invited me to a little visit at our favorite cafe this saturday. Did I mark it on the calendar? I looked at my phone to check.

My eyes widened the farthest they could as I dropped my glass of water. Today was saturday and I only had about two hours to meet her! “Shit! Shit! Shit! I’m so stupid!” I said as I cleaned up the mess and hurried back to my closet, scavenging through things to wear as I didn’t want to look like a hobo in public with her. That’d ruin her reputation! JunJin was a friend of mine for five years and her dad was very rich, and she just started her own business in hero damage repair. I didn’t want to fuck that up for her

Finally, I found a nice flamboyant pink shirt that started at my shoulders and ended right at my stomach, and a nice silky pair of pants with some hand me down heels. I didn’t really want to wear it but it would be the only thing I have that appears like I’m rich enough to hang out with Junny. So I put it on my bed and got started with my makeup, making it look beautiful that even I was surprised with how fucking hot I looked. Hell, if you got a few stiff drinks in me, I’d fuck this person in the mirror. But wouldn’t that count as masturbation?

Answers aren’t important right now, I need to hurry up. Throwing on the outfit quickly and grabbed my purse and my phone. I didn’t have a car, so I’ll just get a taxi to come and pick me up and drive me to the place. I texted her that I’m on my way over there, getting in the back of the taxi driver’s seat as I gave him the location. Only took a few minutes for him to drop me off at the area, which I paid him the required payment and thanked him. I got out of the car and looked over to see her in her beautiful glory.

JunJin had auburn hair that was very flowy that came past her shoulders, perfect baby blue eyes with a permanent red dusted across her freckled cheeks, and very round frame black glasses that nearly made her look like Harry Potter but way too hot as a female. Her rack did look good in her outfit today, a minty green turtleneck sweater that clutched tightly against her skin, and ripped up jeans with all sorts of small designs on them. “Heya, girlie! Sorry if I got here way too early!”

Seriously, how could her ex boyfriend even think about cheating on her for some skank from the streets. Not saying all women aren’t gorgeous, no slut shaming in this house. I’m just being extra for some reason. I shook my head and sat down at a table with her, ordering just a coffee as she ordered up two slices of cake and her latte. “So, how’s your job treating you? Boss still douche? You can always join my business.” She said as I shook my head. “Yes, still not at all the best. And I don’t want to get in your way.”

She was already used to me and anxious about asking for her help cause we’ve been through too much together. Junny put her latte down and her chin rested on her hand. “You know, there’s a sugar daddy app that has skyrocketed as of recently. We could get you some nicer outfits, you could go on a couple dates and a boyfriend who pays for your lifestyle. It’s sex and money, and you’re a secret pervert and want more money! Good deal!” I had to admit, I hadn’t thought about it at first. And it isn’t a life that wouldn’t be bad.

Though it might be a lot, i’ll try the app but won’t rush into anything. We talked for a long while, finishing our cakes. “It doesn’t sound that bad.” “Right? I’ll even pay for your outfits so you can take a couple selfies for your man to see and make trying you out more fun. Who knows, you might live a different life after he comes along.” The bill then came to our table, making me about to take out my wallet but JunJin already gave the money. “Seriously, do you have to pay for everything?” To that she just smirked, looking at me in a way.

“Don’t worry, your future sugar daddy will take that role from me~”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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