It pains to stay in a state, where not a single person knows about our sufferings, sorrow, heartbreak, whatsoever.
But remember, it's not hidden from Allah swt. And that should be enough for us to move forward. Because, HE is the only ONE to get us out of the mess that we may be in right now. HE can do wonders we know nothing about.
We just need to have Faith in HIM, Trust in HIM, we should not let any doubts settle in our hearts regarding HIM, HIS Mercy, HIS Forgiveness, HIS love for us that's beyond our imagination. Because, that is from shaitan !
Perhaps, the thing that is troubling us right now, can turn into the best thing that ever happened to us ?
It could be right ?
You must be thinking, how could it be, the thing that is troubling me at my present, can turn into the best thing that happened to me in my future ?
Because, my dear, we are unaware of HIS Beautiful plan that HE has for us. Maybe HE is causing us all this troubles, sorrow, pain, heartbreak, whatsoever. Just so we can APPRECIATE HIS awesome plan that HE is going to bestow on us soon or the blessings that HE is going to shower us with.
In sha Allah, soon.And remember, everything that HE does is in our favor, always. It's just that it takes time for our Human mind to realise it. Be optimistic, it helps.
Allah loves us too much to see us in pain.
May Allah bless us in both the worlds and guide us on the straight path.
Aameeen ya ALLAH..🖤
For the sake of ALLAH
EspiritualAssalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh 🖤 I will be sharing some reminders (: For those who are willing to dig in are heartily welcome <3 and those who just came to visit, JazakAllahu khairan kaseera, anyway :D