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Loud music, crowded place and different kinds of liquor can be seen inside the bar. Today is Sehun's birthday, he ask me to come just for tonight, Yibo doesn't know about this and i dont plan to say it to him either, he'll get mad for sure.

"Zhan .. here !"

Sitting in the bar counter, Sehun offered me a drink. "No thanks, you know that i don't drink" not accepting the burgandy wine glass

"Xiao Zhan dont be so naive, just for tonight okay? And i promise after you drink this wine, no follow ups"

Being reluctant, i still give it a go and drank the wine. Just one shot. Seeing me gulp the wine in one go, out of nowhere Sehun claps his hand like he wins a lottery
"Thats it Xiao Zhan.. "

Only a minute after, i feel very dizzy. Damn, that alcohol is too strong! I could see the floor moving..
I can feel the rectangular thing vibrating in my pocket, i took it out. With a blurry vision, i can still read the registered name on the screen "Love Of My Life"

"H-hello .. Yi..bo" hiccups

"Zhan? Zhan whats wrong with your voice?"

"Ah.. he he .. i'm, the floor.. the floor kept on moving"

"The ..what? Wait where are you??"

"I cant.. cant stand still"


"Ouch! Your voice is t-too l-loud, i'm at the B-bar with Se~~~ mmmpppP"

Xiao Zhan didn't finish what he was about to say when he felt the sudden lips that is pressing against him..
Feeling very weak, he couldn't push the man.

"Mmmm ..."
Within the passionate kiss, Xiao Zhan let out a sensual sigh. Sehun intently makes Xiao Zhan sigh just because the phone is still on call, it was left hanging in Zhan's hand

After making it out, Sehun left that pinky-rose tiny lips of Zhan and gets the phone in the latters hand,

"Did you hear that Yibo? I can make Xiao Zhan sigh too, and dont worry.. Not just a sigh, but i'll make him moan my name too ha ha ha .."

Yibo was in rage, he storm out the apartment and quickly starts the car. Bar, i could only think one that Sehun might be in.

He drove the car like he was in a race, he doesn't care about the damn red lights, or road policies, all he could think is Zhan.. It wasnt even me, but why is he sighing? Is Sehun that good? Zhan is in someone's hand, Fuck Shit !

"Relax Yibo, i'll call you later. I and Xiao Zhan are going to be busy for tonight, goodbye!"

Call ended.

"FUCK! FUCKING DAMN ! !" Just try to touch my Zhan, and you'll going to regret it for the rest of your life Sehun!

Yibo arrives in the Bar within less 15minutes, i didn't know the car could fly .

Banging the door of the said bar, he quickly ask for the manager. He requested a cctv footage to check whether Sehun is still inside. A couple of seconds and he saw Zhan in the computer screen that was being carried in bridal style by Sehun in the VIP room, clenching his fist he runs to the said room and kicks the VIP door with full power. A loud thud was heard.

"What the fuck!" Sehun shouted to the man who bravely kicks the door, making it open. A black man in a suit appeared right infront of his eyes and a sudden full force punch was thrown into his bare face.

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