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October wasn't much better.

Not until Halloween, at least.

I find the Weasley twins, eyes tired and feeling as if someone dropped a dragon on my head.

"You look..." George takes a step back, "You look like a banshee."

"Someone took the liberty of cursing my bed to sing the Hogwarts theme song every time I close my eyes." I laugh, "Very funny."

"That's horrible." Fred scowls, "I can't wait until they attack you in front of us."

"We'll curse them like they've never been cursed before." George agrees, "probably make them have boils on there face for weeks."

"Or make them puke every time they save a word starting with the letter D." Fred grins.

"We should set a trap!" George laughs.


"No!" I shake my head, "It's Halloween, let's be cool about this."

"No way, we're going to jinx those pricks like never before." George leans in a whispers something to Fred and in five minutes I'm walking through the halls with a pile of books on my arms, Fred and George hiding behind the next corner.

"How did I get myself mixed up with these two?" I mumble, opening a book.

"Hey, Bearrings!" Pansy Parkinson walks up beside me, her hair showing off completely gold earrings. I look up and take a few steps back. "What are you reading?" She snicker, "Books on how to perform unforgivable curses on a certain Potter."

"No, I'm-" it's too later. She waves her wand and my books float out of my hand. This isn't too bad. I stare up at the books, joyful that they're not shooting fire at me. That's until one dive bombs me and hits me in the eyes. "Ow!" I wince, falling to the ground.

"I would run if I were you." Pansy smirks, another book getting ready to strike. I whine as I scramble to where the Twins are hiding, falling every time a book hits my back or my head. "Run, Bearrings run!" Parkinson cackles. I fall into George when I turn the corner, whimpering.

"Have you not told Dumbledore about this?" Fred growls, "This is horrible."

"It's an everyday thing. They're just bullies." I mumble.

"You're eye is swelling up, Wren." George points out. That's when Pansy turns the corner and all the books drop. Her face frowns white as the twins pull out their wands and say the same spell. Bumps begin sprouting from her face like weeds in the green house. Tears leaks from her eyes.

"I'm so telling Malfoy!" She screeches, running off to go tell her boyfriend that someone cursed her. The twins highs five and turn to me.

"Great job." I smirk, "Can we go to the lake? I hear that the squid has been doing flips in the water for first years."

"What a show off." Fred laughs.

"We should take you to Madam Pomfreys first." George suggests, inspecting my eye.

"Oh come on-"

"It's pretty bad, Wren." Fred sighs as they lead me to the infirmary.

"I'm fine. I usually wake up with everything healed." I smile, "I have some old house elves working here."

"Lucky girl." They mumble, pushing me through the large wooden doors.

"Back again, Bearrings?" Madam Pomfrey clicks her tongue, "I feel as if you were just in here yesterday."

"It was yesterday." I sigh as she waves her wand over my eye and I can suddenly see everything clearly again, "I came in with my nose broken?"

"What was it this day? You 'fall' down the stairs again.

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