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A/N: Deleted scenes overlap with the main story so don't think of it as a part. I'll provide explanation as to why I deleted these at the end 😊

Castle J's POV

"Be my girlfriend. I'll protect you, I promise."

"What?" She asked and I just realized how wrong this sounds. This isn't the confession I imagined. I was planning on something more decent than just saying it on impulse.

"I mean," I started. I just made it hard for myself to look at her. "I like you. I thought that was obvious."

She was silent and I wanted to take it all back, to do over. Our entwined hands suddenly became interesting. I rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb, letting her know I was waiting for an answer.

I don't know how long the silence was and I thought of how embarrassing this was. What if she doesn't feel the same way? She even actually considered staying away from me.

After a while, I decided to explain, "Look-" but she interrupted me.

"My mom always tells me that when I met the person whom I can talk to comfortably as if two melodies creating one sweet harmony, that's when I know I found the right one." She smiled and she locked her eyes with mine. Somehow she looked a little bit different from moments ago. The colors of her eyes I couldn't quite decipher under the dark starry sky.

"That's romantic," I just said.

"And that's exactly how I felt the first time we talked." She finished and I made sure to remember to beat myself up later because she did a better job at saying her feelings toward me. I should've been more creative than just saying 'I like you'. Now it sounds so pathetic after what she'd just said but I was kinda relieved too.

I chuckled to hide my embarrassment. "Like exactly the moment you typed the first word on the notepad?"

She pushed me slightly, the smile never leaving her face. The mood seems to lighten and I was thankful. "Not that. When we actually talked, I didn't cower to say anything. It's like my words know they're safe with you."

I leaned in closer, shortening the gap between us. My body just acts on its own and I can't help it. "Can you stop the sweet lines now? It's kinda cringey already."

She rolled her eyes and whispered, "What can I do? People who like to write say the crigiest things." A teasing smile formed on my face before I closed the remaining space with my lips touching hers.

Supposed to be part of Chapter 16
I was thinking of getting them together in the middle of the story before the plot goes downhill. But when I was finalizing the chapter, I decided both of them aren't ready yet so I made Seongjun take back his words instead and just made Minji a promise to protect her.

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