Our Precious Home is a narrative following a young girl on her journey of discovery and exploration, which uncovers the unsightly reality of deforestation and the effects anthropogenic exploitation of the land has resulted in devastating effects on both individuals, the community and the environment at large.
This piece is set in the Amazon, during dawn, reflected in the name of the protagonist, Araci, meaning dawn in the Tupi-Guarani language of the Awa tribe.
After researching the effects of deforestation on the Amazon and Uncontacted Tribes, I found many articles discussing the problems of the Awa Tribe — a tribe close to extinction, and the tribe of the protagonist in this piece. Using a close study of these articles, I came up with a story that emphasises the negatives impacts of deforestation.
I added in a short poem to highlight the horror of the deforestation site, giving the reader an idea and brief taste of the paragraph descriptions following. The poem also links to the protagonist's own mother with the use of 'Mother Nature'. To accentuate the seriousness of deforestation as a global environmental issue, I included a quote from Greenpeace, which also links my story to the reality of the problem, giving my narrative a more realistic coda.
haphazard creativity
General Fictioncompilation of my creatives over the years hopefully you can take inspiration from these creatives and write your own :) most of these are from school assessments and prompts