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"Hey, what would you do if I say I cheated?"

He said with a straight face, at this point every nerve in my body is sending my head red flags that something wrong is definitely going on, something I won't like.

But somehow, at the very back of my head, there's something telling me that I should just trust my boyfriend and that I'm in the wrong for even doubting his love for me. I don't know what to do

I didn't realized that I was zooning out for too long that Suga stared at me tilting his head to the side

"Did I say something wrong?"

He asked, at this point I'm just trying my best not to let my emotions get ahead of me and to not jump into any conclusions

"Y-you cheated?"

I managed to utter without crying, he then smiled a wide grin that put me into confused mode

"Yea! Remember the card game we played earlier? I won 4 of the 5 games, don't tell anyone I cheated, hahahahahaha,"

He said laughing, I should've felt relief at that time and laughed with him, but for some reason, my tears fell from my eyes not able to hold it in further. He was startled by this and quickly hugged my tiny form

"What's wrong? You know the thing I hate more than seeing you sick is seeing you cry right?"

He said comforting me, but the tears won't stop falling

"I h-hate you,"

I whispered silently in his chest in between my sobs, he hugged me tightly, not the kind of tight that would hurt, but the kind that provides more affection and comfort

"Did you perhaps thought I was cheating on you with our relationship?"

"I value you and our relationship more than I do with my own life. So don't even think for a second that my love for you is gone or even fading, because it never will fade,"

He said all that but the anxiety at the back of my head is screaming


My Selfish Boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now