Our airforce has grown, introducing the Scrapper A-2 Fighter (picture above)
and the Scrapper B-1 Bomber (picture below)
Scrapper A-2 Fighter:
Its faster, has more firepower, and is easyer to fly then the Scrapper A-1 Fighter.
we produced it becaus we wanted a better fighter for our airforce, but we dont realy need it at the moment seeing as the Duck Civilisation dous not realy have a airforce, but the fighter can also carry a singel small explosive so we can do bombing runs on vehicles.
Scrapper B-2 Bomber:
Its the first sucsessfull bomber plane that Duckmany ever produced and we are proud of it.
With this we can lay waste to enemy artillery positions, outposts and their base. It was a pain in the neck to make this thing but it turned out amazing i mean its so stable that it can fly on its own. its max capacity is 2 large explosives
(count of small explosives has not been confirmed yet)
-commander Jordy
The Scrap War (Duckman journel)
RandomThe Scrap War is a war me and a friend of mine will be starting in a while. we will hold this war in the videogame Scrap Mechanic from there the name Scrap War.