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Liked by : @landonorris, @maxverstappen1, @alex_albon and 427 more

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Liked by : @landonorris, @maxverstappen1, @alex_albon and 427 more

@camcamstewart : Bono don't like mirror selfies 😞

Comments :

@landonorris : Why does he look so scared ?
@camcamstewart : I give him a bath 😏
@landonorris : You're a monster

@alex_albon : Can you come over my place to give a bath to Horsey ?
@camcamstewart : Do I get free Redbull ?
@alex_albon : I have the feeling I can buy you with just some Redbull bottles...
@camcamstewart : Maybe 👀

@maxverstappen1 : How are yours tyres ?
@camcamstewart : my tyres ?
@maxverstappen1 : yes, are they gone ?
@landonorris : ahahah you are such a child 😂
@camcamstewart : I didn't get the joke
@maxverstappen1 : It's ok, Lewis will make sure the tyres are fine. Bono don't have to worry about it.

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@maxverstappen1 messages

Reply to @maxverstappen1 story
Why Mercedes ?

Do you know who Bono is ?

No, I should ?

Here for you :

Is he some strategist guy ?

He's Lewis Hamilton's race engineer
I'm surprise you don't know him, "Bono" is always in the race highlights

I'm surprise Lando, Alex or even George didn't tell me, Lando even help me choosing the name

Ahahah he's a legend 😂 Do you know them well ?

I kinda of grown up with Lando, our parents are very good friends, he was already around. Lando introduced me to Alex and George when we are teenager. So yeah I think I know them pretty well.

They are pretty lucky to have someone by their side they knew before getting into F1.

I'm so proud of them, they deserve all that is happening to them.

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