a muffin and...Hydra?

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After being reunited with Steve and gaining his trust Bucky decided he deserved a muffin and. A cup of coffee,maybe a plum.....heading out of the tower he made his way to the nearest cafe to satisfy his hunger
Striding down the street and entering a cafe named Kat and Phil's cafe. Bucky noticed one of the server girls behind the counter whispered into her phone before putting it away

"Omg... Its THE James Barnes,Hello sir what would you like?" The perky female asked.

" an Americano with a chocolate chip muffin."
  "Coming right up... Here you go come back soon." She said with a dazzling smile.

After buck grabbed the bag containing his freshly baked goods, he then sat at the table nearest the door. 'Old habits die hard' He thought. Upon sitting down he feels eyes on his back. Slightly turning to the left he realized that a group of females were pointing and giggling at him before looking away and trading pastries. A bit later the server girl that he had talked to earlier walked up to the group and pulled out a chair for herself. A woman with shimmering russet hair smiled at her before placing a box in front of the server gal. The server then opened the box with a mischievous smile from the box she pulled out what seemed to be a mechanical husky pup. "Omg this is amazing I didn't think you would actually build this for me! Picking up the pup and setting it in her lap. She asked what the females where conversing over. 

'It's Hydra, I bet there planning on using the dog as a hidden weapon to capture me.... I'll just leave.... maybe I should tell steve'

Getting up and finishing his drink he he quickly exited the cafe heading towards the tower hearing the talking slowly stop. Nearing the tower he heard three pairs of shoes following after him, speeding up he saw the tower about 20 feet away, running through the front doors and slamming it shut he finally relaxed; that is until he remembered he never saw who was following him.

Reluctantly he glanced out the door to see three females make eye contact with him before going separate ways. The other two left while the third stood there. This he realized was the girl that had supposedly invented the robotic dog...... Shit.

Getting a better look he saw her lifting up her sleeve hidden beneath the silky blue fabric as a prosthetic arm, one achingly similar to his own. Only hers was decorated with paint on gears and glisten gold. Then glanced at her eyes. They swirled with sadness pain and recognition before taking on a mask of fake happiness. She then lifted her hand and made some gestures it wasn't until a couple days later Bucky realized that she had signed Your not alone. Thank you for staying strong.

I need at least 5 oc's
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Powers or none
Role in the story
And personalty

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