Chap 7: The Vampire Town

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Y/n(Abigail's) POV:

I sat on my bed and stared at the pink symbol Uraraka drew on my hand. It was part of my skin now, it was like a tattoo. It was a cross in a circle and it was curious.

I wonder how it prevented me from doing anything bad.

Uraraka made quick steps and shuffled to the other side of the bed, staring at me with narrowed eyes. When I met her gaze she immediately averted her eyes. She set her bed and fluffed her pillow.

I noticed that she was.... shivering.

"A-..are you cold? Your body is shaking." I let it out as soft as I could. The night was chilly but the tent kept it plenty warm.
She immediately whipped around and eyed the mark she drew on my hand.

Her eyes softened and she turned to me, "No.. I'm not cold. I'm fine." She sat down on her bed, she was facing me but kept her distance.

In the book Uraraka was a sweet mage, learning magic and looking for jobs so she can provide for her family. Her crush on Midoriya was as obvious as....Momo's crush on Todoroki.

But I guess she hates me too.

I layed down and sighed, until she broke the silence.

"I...I don't hate you." I sat up and looked at her. Her eyes were glued to the mark she gave me. As if she was waiting for something to happen.

I must have spoken out loud

I sighed and mumbled, "Well you should. I've done messed up things." The pages of the book flipped through my mind and I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to ease my nerves.

Today has been a long day. One would think sleep would come quick.

Uraraka bit her lip, her eyes still on my hand, "I know what you have done. You're...the reason my village is going through a famine." Her eyes were cold and bore into mine.

Wait what

I tilted my head, "I did what now?" My response seemed to make her angry. Her pink cheeks flushed till her ears and she hugged her knees, "Oh? Are you saying you don't remember when you kept all your riches to yourself, demanded unforgivable tax and stopped the supplies to my village until your demands were met? We're still recovering from it. If it weren't for Prince Todoroki, I'm pretty sure I'd be dead."

Her breathing was heavy as she let it all out and I blinked.

I don't remember the book mentioning any of this...

I blinked at stared at her in shock.

"That's horrible! What a dog!"

"Exactly! You did it!"

I shut my mouth, "Oh yeah...I..don't remember." I averted her gaze and scratched my neck. She crawled to my side of the bed and stared at me intently. Maybe waiting for a reaction, a twitch or something.

She grabbed my hand and the mark glowed, she looked straight into my eyes, "Say that again."

What's up with Abigail and making cinnamon rolls into scary demons?

I stuttered, "I..I s-said that I don't remember doing that." The mark stopped glowing and Uraraka stared at me confused. She started mumbling and waved her hand once more.

The mark vanished and she redid it once more. "It's called a punishment curse. It grants the victim pain if they do anything remotely bad. "

I whistled and nodded, "That sounds cool." A fitting punishment for Abigail. Since she was a lying manipulator. Her most powerful weapon was her silver tongue.

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