chapter 24

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"Dear Mom and Dad,

This is so unexpected, but we were told we could write you another letter! Leader Lee came and told us "In the name of the summer celebrations", though he himself seemed suprised.
Anywhomst, i am so excited about stuff, that is going on here. You would not believe who is visiting The Land of Lee- Im Changkyun! I was so shocked to see him here so suddenly. He is helping the land build greenhouses. What are those, you might ask? Well, they are houses made from glass, where inside plants and greens could grow, not getting affected so much by the cold weather, that might occure. They are quite beautiful and i already helped not to only set them up, but also plant the seedlings. One can cook in it though, so we have to be careful and, sometimes, even shed the plants. But it's worth it and the leaders are so happy. When i found out the reason behind it, i was a little pissed- you would never guess it... but it's, again, The Land of Im's schenanigans. Appearently, The Land of Im is running out of food, so the blame is on The Land of Lee. Right. I hope Im Changkyun will soon set everything right. He might be young, but i really haven't met anyone more intelligent as him. Such a wise person, with rightful thinking. Him and leader Lee Jooheon are bonding so nicely, i have high hopes for the future.
I can smell the melting metal of the fence already, cause, who knows- it might just be sooner than we think, that it's rigged bars perish.
As for me- i'm doing amazing. There is things i miss from home, yet there is so much that i love here. I am in complex and mixed feelings sometimes, about where is my path leading me. For now i'll keep on living and working, still writing things on the side, i'm excited to share, when i get back. Get back... I am just hopeful to end the fence supremacy, as it is not needed.
Right now the land is getting ready for Midsummer festival, a big event, where everyone let's their spirit free and goes with the rythm of music, while being high on an apple wine punch... that's what Minhyuk atleast told me. But it sounds amazing and is just few weeks after another special event. An event i was getting ready for even 8 years ago, but now i can do even more, having that person near me. You already know what i mean, so i won't go into any further detail, but... i hope it goes well, since it's just around the corner (tommorow of when i'm writing you this). Pity the beautiful lavender candles aren't in the Land of Lee, they smell so good. Though the flashbacks with them.. poor Koko, the kitten is a survivor. I hope she is doing well, give lots of hugs from me.
I hope you all are doing great, the last time you wrote, you told me that Minhyun has some big news. It better be what i think it is or i'm gonna burn the fence myself, just to go and kick his ass. On that note, i hope you will write me again. Maybe it's the messengers fault, but i still haven't received this months letter from you. I want to hear from you again as soon as possible.
I love you all and miss your faces everyday, just wanting a hug from mom and to eat dad's amazingly cooked chicken wings. Soon we will meet and, perhaps, one day in the near future, i can introduce you all to my friends here, bringing them to the Land of Im.

Wait, no, i take it back- Hyunwoo will eat all the chicken wings, plan's cancelled.

Lot's of love, hugs, kisses and flexes,
Your wisest and most handsome kid, Kihyun~"

Changkyun's POV:

"Wait for me!"

I could hear Jooheon shout after me, his steps being overshadowed by my giggles. It was just too thrilling, too exciting. I wasn't even running away from him- we were having a lovely stroll, till we reached the apple tree garden and i suddenly got the urge to run, escaping the summer heath, that was sky rocketing every moment.

Lost in the thought and the lovley, fresh smell of little apple babies, still growing in the branches, i had slowed down my body and senses. Closing my eyes, it felt so free and magical, and- AHH.

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