On my way to the principals office I felt uncomfortable, like someone was there, I didn't know what to do so I decided to go the quiet way. I wondered down to the field ignoring the continuous 'bing bong Isabella Flynn please go to the principals office now' 'bing bong Isabella come to my office now!!!' I was dreading the conversation in the office.
As I started making a river of tears I heard footsteps coming up behind me then they stopped I thought I was paranoid but then I got this striking feeling all the way through my core then I realised I wasn't the only one wanting revenge.
There was this massive weight on my body I though I had a 1000 bricks on me but I noticed it was only Logan, "you really think that your gonna get away with that and not get hurt well I'm sorry sunshine but that never will happen ok so you better start treating me respect otherwise you will have a lot of bruises" "I'm sorry Logan but I'm not your little play doll anymore you can go get with a horse for all I care" I don't know what came over me but I had a feeling of strength and will power, I felt like I finally had a say about what happens with my life. Until . . .
Next thing I know I'm in hospital, intensive head injuries, torn muscle in my thigh and a broken arm. According to my nurse I was out cold for 4 days all I remember is standing up to Logan. I have a look around to see who was there all I see is caution stay away sign flashing in front of my face or otherwise known as Logan
My Life in Ruins
Short StoryMy name is Isabella my boyfriend used me and I suffer from depression I don't change for anyone this is me and my life