Escape part 2

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They all got in a battle stance and stood in front of Luz and kikimora laughed and did a spell and they all fell through the floor and Camilla made sured her Liza would not be hurt from the fall and they all landed on their butts and they were fine but they heard a groan of pain and they looked behind them Luz had sprained her ankle because of the fall and Kikimora followed they all got away from her with Amity dragging Luz to safety and she rested her up against a pillar " well nice try guys but your fun ends here" and Eda barked back " don't dare hurt our daughter or may god help me!!!" Kikimora laughed and they all got ready to attack and Amity summon an abomination while Willow summon a plant monster and they attack together kikimora summoned a fire wall which blocked their attacks and Kikimora did a spell which knocked them back and Gus made a bunch of clones of himself and Viney whistle and puddles come crashing through the wall.

Gus send the clones to attack but kikimora spits fire and it destroy the clones and burn Gus and Viney send puddles to attack but kikimora summon hands out of the ground and which grabbed puddles by the tail and spun him around so fast that when she let him go he went flying and she did a spell which pinned Viney to the wall Emira and Boscha enraged to see their girlfriends hurt they decided to take a crack at it along with edric they summon clones of them self and Bosch got a potion ready and they attack kikimora blocked their attacks and used a spell that pinned all of them to a wall and then Warden wrath and Willow said in surprise " Dad?!?!" Warden wrath looked at kikimora and said " you can hurt me all you want but you do not touch my daughter" and he try to attack but he got side swiped.

Eda and Lilith were gonna attack but even before they attack kikimora attack first and knock them back and then kikimora looked at Camilla who was holding Liza and she stalk towards them and right as she was about to strike a fireball came out of nowhere which knocked kikimora off of her feet everyone looked to where it came from and it was Luz who launched it and everyone was shock even though Luz was starved and limping she launched another one but kikimora dodged it and said " okay it's time to take it up a notch" and she start to transform and she transformed into a monster " your life ends here" and Luz limped back and she summon and abomination and a plant monster and combine them together and send it to attack but she dodged and she destroyed the monster and Luz summoned a fire ball and shot it at kikimora and it hit her in the arm and she lunges at Luz and Luz summoned an ice wall and kikimora ran into it.

Luz summoned an fire spell and she launched it but kikimora dodged then Luz did something with all of her energy she did one giant spell and she threw at kikimora it hit her in the chest and it left a giant burn mark and kikimora turn back to her normal self and Luz collapsed they all ran to her and Eda said to Luz " hey kid get up please" and Luz coughed and Eda picked her up in her arms and they start to get home by running as fast as they could.
607 words
Thanks to Jonathan Alexander for giving me the ideas

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