Chapter 4

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"Wait.. What?" I asked in confusion.

"You can sleep here."

"But..But i need my stuff like pajamas and ...." I remembered my foundation and conceler. My...My bruices.

"No...No i cant i need stuff." That was as far as i came to explain to him.

"Oh okay. You need your 'woman needs'. I can drive you to your house."

"Yea thats fine." i said silently. We exited the house and entered the car.I leaned y head back and sighed. Its go time.We arrived at my house.

"Do you want me to come?"Aaron suggested. I would have thought Aaron to be some kind of jerk but he is actually being sweet to me.

"No just stay her and kinda have the engine running i'll tell you everything once we get back i promise."

"Be careful, Princess."My fathers car was not in the driveway so i went through the front door. I raced up stairs and grabbed any bag I could find. I dropped all my stuff i needed like makeup, my glasses, and money.You never know if you need money. I hear talking outside. Shit! It was Aaron and my Father! I think Aaron was stalling. i ran to the back door.

"Aaron!" I called out for him so he can run to drive out of there.I'm scared what my dad was going to do. The farthest he took it was a gun point to MY HEAD! We got in the car in a hurry and my father was left behind screaming.

~Aaron's P.O.V~

As I was waiting in the car, I saw Jess' father pull up in the drive way. I thought fast and tried to stall. He had a pack of 12 bottles of beer. Did he hurt her? I can't let him hurt her ever again.

"Sir, Hello....uhh..."

"What do you want kid?!"

"I was wondering if you can answer a few question i am having a school report on different ...." I kept blabbering on until i heard Jess screaming my name. We drove off to my house and went up to my room.

~Jess' P.O.V~
I sat on his bed and I knew that I had to tell him about my dad because he kept questioning him during the car ride. I exhaled heavily and started to begin.

"My father wasn't all bad before... Before my mom died.." He let me continue, "He started drinking and became an alcoholic. he started hitting me and I missed my mom so much." I started crying and he came over hugging me.

"I'm always going to be here for you.... You can stay here until we graduate." We were only in the first semester so graduation was pretty far away. I couldn't accept his offer.

"I'm sorry but I can't my dad will get pissed and I don't know what he will do. "

"Fine but if you need a house to sleep at you can always come here."

I went into the bathroom to clean myself up and take a shower. Shit. I forgot my pajamas.Maybe he'll let me borrow a shirt or something. When I opened the door to ask him, he was sitting on his bed on his phone.

"Hey you need something?"

"Yea I kinda forgot my pajamas..."

He went over to his dresser and pulled out one of his shirts.

"Here this should be good." He gave me the shirt and winked with a smirk.

"Uhh yeah I need shorts or something too." Aaron sighed and when to a different drawer and pulled out basketball shorts.

"Need anything else, Princess?" He looked into my eyes and smirked again. Doesnt he get tired of smirking? Uggg.

"Well since you asked you can get me an Iced coffee from starbucks thanks." I said being sarcastic and gave him a proud smile and went to take a shower.i finished taking a shower and put on his clothes and exited the bathroom.I thought he would have been in his room but on the bed was a coffee that he made with chocolatechip cookies. I couldnt help but blush.

"I see you found the wonderful coffee I made you." He says barging into the room.

"I was being sarcastic when I said that but thats so thoughtful of you, thanks." I gave him a cheeky smile.

He looked concerned about something.We sat in silence until Aaron had spoken.

"Uhh.. we have to talk about your father, I pretty sure you dont want to talk about him but he hit you and thanks not right we can call the police or.."

"No, Aaron look my father is a commited person and when someone does something that he doesnt like, my father will do something about it and i'm scared what he might do." I put my head down and turned away. I didnt wanit Aaron to see me cry.He turned me around and started looking at the noticably bruises on my arm. Damn it he should have gave me a long sleeved shirt.I can see the anger in his eyes when he looked directly at me.He looked at me like he was in love. No i'm just thinking things right? He pulled me into the longest hug i have ever had.

"I will always protect you from whatever harms you." Why is he being nice?

"uhh..we should probably get to the project." It was about 1 pm when we almost finished. We were too tired to continue.

When the alarm rang,I suddenly woke up and turned it off quick. Then I realized It wasnt my room. my eyes shot open but then I felt a heavy thing on my side. I looked over too see what it was and it was Aarons arm holding me closer to him.We..We slept in the same bed?! I'm not gonna pretend i don't like it but it was a suprise too me.We eventually had to wake up but I wanted to stay there all day maybe even all week. HaHa I sound crazy. Aaron suddenly moved and kissed my cheek, which instanly made me 'wake up'.

"Good Morning princess, we have to get ready for school....Or we can ditch and go somewhere exciting instead."

"And what do you have planned Mr.Bad Boy?"I gave him a small smile. He was leaning over me almost like he was gonna kiss me.

"You'll see." Giving me a smirk.

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