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Just something quick: this is my first time writing a chicago p.d. fanfic, (or a one chicago fanfic) so i'm sorry if characters are wrongly written :)

The uber stopped outside Jay's apartment, pulling up to the side of the curb before the driver looks over his shoulder and gives Jay a look over from the front seat to alert him that he was there. Jay leans forward in the backseat and hands over the cash to the driver, opening the door beside him simultaneously and stepping out of the car.

He wasn't aware Hailey was exiting the car too until just before he shut it in her face behind him. Jay apologizes quickly as he pulls the car door open again completely, allowing her to get out.

He can't help but furrow his eyebrows slightly once she steps out onto the sidewalk beside him. "Why did you get out?"

Hailey shrugs her shoulders slightly, a small smile on her lips as she responds. "I wanted to say goodnight properly."

Jay nods, shutting the door to the uber temporarily, before walking up the stairs to the apartment building door, listening to Hailey as he walked.

"Tonight was really fun." She says.

He truly agreed with her there. Jay had never really been a big fan on New Years, he hadn't seen the point in celebrating the beginning of the same twelve months every year, and the overrated holiday always brought in new cases for Intelligence in just the first few hours after the clock struck midnight - whether that being a robbery turned homicide or a long list of victims who had OD'd whilst trying to celebrate the new year.

But using Hailey's words, this New Years had been really fun.

Ruzek and Atwater had invited everyone around for a party at Adam's apartment, and while Jay usually tended to skip out on any New Years celebrations, he knew it would have been rude to decline it over just his hatred to the holiday so instead he decided to go and burn off a little steam before Intelligence was hit hard with cases. He didn't have much of a choice whether he wanted to go or not either.

Jay had shown up to the party with Will, but when his brother had been called into the hospital just before midnight, Jay was left stuck there with no way home - the two of them had only taken one car and Will had snatched it up to get to work quickly, and Jay had had a drink too many to be allowed to drive anyway.

By the time everything had been cleared up from the party, Adam had agreed to let Kevin crash at his apartment, and Vanessa had called an uber of her own. It had only been the five of them still clearing up as the clock got closer toward one-thirty, everyone else had left just after midnight, especially 51 because they had an earlier start to their shift than usual.

Jay nods, coming to a stop just outside the door. "Yeah, it really was."

A proud grin appears on his partner's face as she follows him up to the building's main doors. "See? I told you you would have a good time."

When Ruzek had handed out the invitations a week ago, Jay had sighed under his breath. He would be lying if the consideration of declining his friend's offer hadn't crossed his mind, but before he could do anything about that thought, Hailey had already spoken up for both her and himself.

"Jay and I will be there." She had said almost immediately after being told about Adam's plans for the night.

The two of them had a minor argument about it on the bullpen floor, Jay asking her when she started making decisions for him. She had rolled her eyes slightly.

"I know you hate New Years, Jay, but you can't not go just because of that. Unless you have plans already, you're going."

So after another minute of the two of them discussing the party over their desks, Jay gave in and looked over to Adam on the other side of the bullpen. "I'll be there."

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