
277 14 5

Error- Bold (so bold~ XD)
Fresh- Underline (mm~)
Geno- Italics (ah yus)
Nightmare- bold AAAND Italics(fancy 7w7)
[These are the TT(Talk Texts) when quotes are used around them-]

No one's Pov

"Do i have to go to go back to school!?"

Today was Error's first day back to school after a long summer break.
He stood by his door, wanting to stay home, while his brothers try to get him downstairs.

"Letz go, bruh! We're gonna miss da bus! And Ma is gonna get mad!~"

Fresh, the youngest and the most rad of the 3, was getting annoyed by Errors denial to get downstairs.

"AHH Shut up, you stupid abomination!!" Error yells as he yeets toast at Fresh's face. (Nice aim, error ,,o.o,,)

"Error please, I'd like to get to school and not be embarrassed on the first day!"

Geno, the oldest, was starting to walk out the door.

"Mark my words! There is nothing you can do to get me to school!!"

*a few minutes later-*

"I hate you guys.." Error mumbled.

Geno and Fresh somehow dragged Error on the bus. It was humiliating to Error, but everyone else thought it was hilarious.

Error's pov

Ya'know, i used to tolerate my brothers.. but now, i think i hate them fully.

"My stars, this day can't get any worse-"

As soon as i spoke, Nightmare and the rest of the gang walked in the bus.
I tried to get up and move, since i wasn't in the mood to deal with them right now, but the damn bus driver yelled at me to sit down. I looked for my brothers, but Geno had gone to the front of the bus to avoid Reaper and Fresh was sitting with other abomination friends.


"Heeey Error"

That stupid octopus..

"The fuck do you want, Nightmare"

"Woah~ drop the attitude, Glitch. I just said hey"

"Oh shut up.."

The rest of the bus ride was boring.
Killer wouldn't stop talking to Dust about whose knife is sharper or something.

Nightmare was talking to Cross about something stupid, i don't know.

I wonder where Dream is...Usually He is with him..


The bus stopped at a bus stop


And He got on..


Ah yes! 339 words and 13 reads òwó

E! Thanks guys!!

Welp.. till next time!!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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