The Punishment

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We quickly stopped our bickering and we were silent.

"Tierria outside now!" he went outside as commanded

"And you Vientio stay here~" he told me in a stern voice I complied

"Yes sir!"I replied then he left with Tierria presumably to talk then commit the ritual to kick him out. We are all given special powers when we complete the initiation and join the clan/association whatever you wanna call it but Tierria and I we had powers before joining but we had to get specific specialized powers to go with the association so we have two different sets of powers but all power is connected to the soul it gonna hurt like hell we we get them removed and they might take both on purpose or on accident but either way its fucked up but we knew the risk when we joined that moment the door opened

"Sir" i said standing up straight

"At ease Vientio" he said

"Yes sir" I relaxed my body a little bit

"What is my punishment sir? will I be getting kicked out?"I asked straight faced he began to chuckle

"Kicked out? Do you wanna be kicked out? Did you lie about what you told me? Did you just screw around the whole mission is that why you got captured?"

"No Sir!" I said with my convincing voice

"Then there's no reason to kick you out!plus your one of the best and it's a whole process that I'd rather not go through if I don't have to. punishment on the other hand no missions for a month."

"Wait then what did you do to Tierria?"

"Oh him I just took him to a different room to tell him this, just to scare you guys a bit. Oh and  his punishment is the exact same as yours, just a little bit lengthier he did use his power when he wasn't supposed to although it was for a very good cause which is why he's not getting kicked out!" I had a look of pure shock on my face

" I'm just kidding you should see the look on your face oh, he's also one of the best I wouldn't just take him out for something like this." He said

" but I thought you were ruthless, I thought you kicked out of people who disobey the rules or disobey your wishes especially when they use their power."

" so those are the kinds of rumors that get spread about me amongst you guys?" He slightly laughed

"Well kinda but you've kicked out so many people and most were for using there powers!"

"Well yes I did but those were under different circumstances and it wasn't just one or two rules it was multiple at a time and using there powers for trivial fights is why they got kicked out if they used there powers"

" oh, so we're not getting kicked out?" He let out a sigh

"No luna your not getting kicked out now go change out of your mission outfit and chill-out child!"

"Yes sir"

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