Chapter One: Kai

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(So I'm sorry for being a jerk and not updating much lately. Blame my uninspired state. Anyway, I'm going to hopefully update in a few days with a new chapter but to show some love a made up a little side chapter just for the readers and the clearly large love for Kai so I hope you enjoy the new chapter following our camp funny boy.)


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"Dun dun dun dun oo oo oo dun dun dun oo oo d--"

"Oh my God Kai shut up" Brady finally snapped at the tall skinny blonde who hadn't stopped with his relentless terrible beatboxing all the way to the house.

"God won't save you now my child" he spoke with his usual cheeky grin.

"How many pain killers did you take?" She couldn't help but ask.

"Wouldn't you like to know" he shot a wink causing her to roll her eyes as she opened the white-painted door and walked inside "have some water—"

"What the fuck man?" He suddenly exclaimed from behind her as he stood by the loungeroom entryway.

"What?" Brady turned around confusion clear across her face.

"You built the crib without me" he huffed like a child as his blue eyes focused on the large empty box on the loungeroom floor.

"I still have the changing table—"

"I call dibs setting it up!" He suddenly shouted. Kai loved the fix things there were a few things Kai was passionate about surfing, skating and mechanics but there were no waves for miles and no parks around so there was only one thing to keep him occupied.

"Are you sure... I mean my coffee table is..." Brady glanced over to the coffee table that still sat half-finished on the floor.

"I got this, Brady chill" he gave another playful wink.

"Besides pain killers why are you so happy? I mean look what just happened" Brady couldn't help but point out the obvious but Kai simply walked across the wooden floor and let his lanky body slump down onto the small lounge.

"What happened, happened. I mean they were good guys yeah but..." Kai gave a shrug "what do you want me to do cry? My family is gone, my best friend is gone this is life baby."

"You aren't the only one who lost people" Brady scowled at his cavalier behaviour.

"I know, I know. We all lose people, we lose people every day" Kai jumped back up to his feet "no point crying and being sad about everyone, Brady wouldn't ever get a chance to be happy otherwise" he approached the shorter girl and placing his large hand on her stomach "later tiny Uncle Kai will be back."

"Where are you going? Kai you're meant to be resting" she began scolding the young man.

"I've got business to attend to" he held his cheeky smile as he faced Brady "I will be back later."


"Oh baby, I'm so glad I didn't take you" Kai gushed as soon as he got to his beloved truck that sat just where he left it "now that I would have cried for" he continued to speak as he slipped a cigarette out from behind his ear slipping it between his chapped lips as his blue eyes lingered over the converted truck in front of him "we have some work to do on you baby" he spoke to the vehicle as he rubbed a thumb across his stubbled chin in thought.

"Good to see you back man" Chris suddenly spoke causing Kai to almost jumping in surprise.

"Fuck don't sneak up on me" Kai mumbled before taking the cigarette back to between his fingers.

"Whatever. What are you doing anyway?" Chris asked as he stepped closer and stood beside the skinny young man.

"Why wanting to see if you could lend a hand?" Kai chuckled to himself while Chris looked unamused "sorry man" he reached out giving a pat to Chris's slender shoulder.

"Dick" Chris shook his head.

"Alright, Alright you can help me out" Kai smiled stepping closer to his precious baby his long slender fingers brushing across he hood.

"What are we going to do?" Chris questioned.

"We are my young friend are about to pimp the shit out of my girl and make sure we can't get jumped on again" Kai explained his eyes still examining the vehicle in front of him.

"How are we going to do that?" Chris couldn't help but be curious.

"Creativity" he spoke picking up a pair of goggles that looked like they belonged in some sort of steampunk universe from one of his piles of tools "make sure you take special care too kiddo this is my baby" he glanced over his shoulder to Chris "we're about to make her a fucking suit of armour so get ready. Cause these pricks won't be getting their chances again."

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