Chapter Two

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The photo above is Nik

Nik's P. O. V.

I park the car in the parking lot of the theater Niall told me he's performing at. I grab my leather jacket and put my gun in its holster before getting out of the car. I put my jacket on so that it's covering my gun and slam the door shut. I walk towards the entrance and smirk as I walk passed all the fan girls.
  "Wait a minute young man!" I hear a voice yell.
  I look up and see a bald man standing there smiling at me. I smile and jog up to him and hug him.
  "PAULLY!" I laugh as he lifts me up spinning me around.
  "Hey little man." He chuckles as he sits me down.
  I smile and look up at him behind my bangs.
  "Can I see NiNi?" I ask him quietly.
  "Of course!" He says grabbing my shoulder pulling me into the building.
  I chuckle as we run down the halls telling stories until we come across a door that says One Direction Dressing Room.
  "Do you want knock? Or shall I?" Paul ask as we stand there in silence.
  "You knock and I'll hide behind you. Just tell Niall you have someone that wishes to see him." I say hiding behind him trying not to laugh.
  "Oh you trickster." Paul mumbles before knocking on the door.
  "WHO IS IT?!"
  "OI OI!"
  The door opens and I hear heavy breathing.
  "Oh hey Paul." I hear Niall say as he gulps in air.
  "I have someone that wishes to see you." Paul says before stepping away from me.
  I look up at Niall and smile. I watch as his eyes widen before he hugs me tight crying.
  "Geez NiNi you're acting like I've been gone for 10 years!" I say hugging him back tight.
  "I've missed you so much baby bro." He whispers kissing the top of my head.
  I make a grossed out face pushing him back slightly.
  "Ewwww gross!" I mumble wiping his slobber off.
  "Isn't this a cute little boy." I hear a raspy voice say from infront of me.
  I gasp and look up into emerald green eyes.

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