Chapter 1

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"Dabi! Good morning!" Dabi looks to his right with his tired turquoise eyes. He sees Toga skipping happily over to him. Dabi rolls his eyes and he rubs his temples. "Toga, don't you think it's a little too early to be so loud?" He ask as he plops down on a bar stool.

Toga frowns and she says, "It's not early. It's 6:00!" Dabi sighs heavily. "Toga that's early." He growls in annoyance. Dabi sees Shigaraki sit down next to him. One of his cold hands are placed on Dabi's scared shoulder.

"Toga. Go mess with Twice. I bet he'll be happy to put up with your shit this early in the morning." He says in a sleepy tone. Toga sighs and she says, "Fiiiine! You two are never any fun in the mornings!" Dabi places his head on the table, his fingers still massaging his temple.

"Are you ok Dabi?" Dabi hears Shigaraki ask, his tone lightening. Dabi nods his head and he says sighing, "Yeah, she's just not helping with this migraine. Guess I had one too many drinks last night." Dabi sits up in his stool. Shigaraki nods his head, his ash blue locks fall over his strawberry eyes.

The eyes that Dabi always gets lost in when ever they're having a conversation, which results in Shigaraki snapping in his face asking if he's ok. Shigaraki looks at Dabi as he rises from the stool and he goes to walk behind the bar to do what Shigaraki assumes, to get a drink.

Dabi doesn't instead he just leans on the bar table, looking at Shigaraki with an unintentional ghost of a smile on his face. Shigaraki's face heats up in a blush at the look on Dabi's face.

Dabi realizes the expression he's wearing and he pushes himself off his elbows sighing. "What are the plans today?" Dabi asks him trying to make his mind trail away from the scene that just played out. Shigaraki sighs, "I was thinking of going out to get supplies, for the group. I'm tired of paying for expensive take out for everyone."

Dabi chuckles lightly, "Well, I can come with. If you don't mind that's if." Shigaraki shrugs. "No I don't mind. I could use some company. Maybe you have good judgment." Dabi smiles a little. Shigaraki smiles slightly. Dabi's smile is always contagious to him.

Dabi goes over to the drinks and he pours himself a shot of tequila. Shigaraki rolls his eyes, he should have expected that from Dabi. He's a drinker in the mornings. And when he's trying to get his mind off of things.

Dabi downs the shot, he cleans the glass and puts it back with the collection of others. Wow only one? That's the action that takes Shigaraki by surprise.

Dabi jumps over the counter and he sits back in the stool he was originally seated in. Shigaraki places his elbow on the table and he rests his face in his hand. Dabi sees the adorable man's strawberry eyes grow foggy as he enters his thought. The two fingers that aren't gloved pick at his neck as he always does when he enters his mind.

Dabi fights the urge to playfully bop the man on the head but, he doesn't feel like getting hit. Instead, he places his head on the table and he closes his eyes. Only to be interpreted by Toga leaning on his back and letting out an ear wreching whine.

"Daaaaabiiii!" She says in her whine. Dabi grumbles a mean, "What Toga." as his face is pressed further into the glossy wooden bar table. "Twice is being mean!" She says adding a "HMPT" at the end of her sentence.

Dabi sits up and he flicks her forehead with his long lanky fingers. "Good. You need a lesson for making my migraine ten fold." Toga makes an offended face at him and she hits him on his head. "DABI YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" She keeps hitting him on the head. Dabi growls in anger and he grabs her wrists. He lightly heats his palms up, not fully releasing flames on her bare skin. Just enough to make her stop and run off whining back to Twice.

Shigaraki laughs as he watches her run off with scorched wrists. "You really are grumpy this morning." Dabi looks at Shigaraki and he sighs saying, "I didn't really get much sleep but, I'm going to go shower and get ready. Maybe that'll wake me up some."

Shigaraki nods his head, resting his head back in his palm. Dabi rises from his bar stool and he leaves a light pat on Shigaraki's shoulder. Shigaraki smiles slightly. He always enjoys Dabi's touch. Especially after he's just used his quirk. The feeling of his warm palms calms his nerves and makes him relax.

Letting out a relaxed sigh, Shigaraki gets up and he starts in the direction of his room. Dabi is in his, picking out clothes for the day. He picks out a simple white t-shirt and black ripped jeans, his white belt with the silver holes coated in metal is his accessory for it. Like always he wears those black shoes that he never knows how to describe the style of.

Dabi walks into the hall to see Shigaraki's door closing behind him. Dabi walks into the bathroom which is across the hall. He shouts to the group that's lounging in the bar room, "TAKING A SHOWER! DON'T COME IN!" He enters the bathroom once he hears different responses from everyone.

Dabi starts to undress from his night clothes. Which is usually just a muscle shirt and baggy sweat pants. He looks at himself in the mirror once he's down to his boxers. He examines the purple scars that line his body. He scrapes the peeling skin from them and he turns the shower to the temperature he can stand.

In Shigaraki's Room...

Shigaraki dresses up in his own outfit for the day. It's what he usually wears. A loose long sleeved black shirt and black ripped jeans. He never sees the need to dress up fancy. Or at least feels the need to. Especially for a simple store run. Even though with Dabi accompanying he knows he'll want to spend more time with the hot scarred villain.

Shigaraki's porcelain face turns a light shade of pink. Hot? He questions what he just thought of Dabi. The man is hot. And not because of his quirk. But, did he really just think that toward Dabi? Shigaraki pulls a three fingered black glove over his hand. He sighs as he returns to sitting on his bed. He lays on his back day dreaming of Dabi.

I wonder what he does in the shower. How gentle is he when he washes his burns? How does his long pale fingers run though his fluffy black hair when he washes it?

Shigaraki can imagine Dabi's hair sticking to his head as the cool water runs over it. The water trailing down his strong form, rolling off every crevice and curve on his perfect body, even off his forbidden area, then down his strong sculpted legs, then hitting the showers floor and running in the drain, carrying away soap and other things that may have lingered on his body.

Shigaraki's face returns to it's red shade, matching his eyes as he thinks about Dabi's body. He looks at his wall in embarrassment even though no one is in the room with him. My thoughts on this man...what am I thinking? This must be because I've spent so much time with him. Yeah, that must be it.

Shigaraki bites his lower lip and he turns his head to the side. "Fuck...why Dabi?" He whispers as he can't break his mind from the man's image. Even though it is just what he's imagining. He's never seen Dabi naked. Why does he think about it so often though?

Shigaraki breaks free from his thoughts fully once he hears a slight knock of two knuckles on his bedroom door. Shigaraki calls weakly from his thoughts, "Come in." Once the door opens he sees Dabi pushing the door open.

Shigaraki looks at the man. He's dressed in a plain white t-shirt and black ripped jeans. The front of his shirt is tucked into his jeans showing off his favorite white belt with holes that are coated in silver metal. His feet covered by his favorite black shoes, white socks poking from the tops of them. His hair is fluffy and damp from towel drying it, but it lays slightly close to his head.

Shigaraki sits up in his bed and he sees Dabi lean against the white walls of his neat bedroom. "Well, are you ready to go on a shopping spree?" He asks in his calm deepish voice that always makes Shigaraki's heart skip a beat.

"Yes. I'm ready. I'll go tell Mr. Compress to keep everyone under control." Dabi smirks, "Already did. Come on Shig. Just you and me."

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