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"Someone is targeting you, copying the murders of loved ones."

Gibbs turned his head and looked at the three of his team in the bullpen willing his eyes not to stray to the one he wanted to keep safe most of all.

He turned to pick up his coffee mug and remembered that he wasn't drinking coffee for 72 hours on doctors orders.

He walked out of the bullpen and avoided the elevator, stopping for a moment he waited knowing what was coming next.

"What the hell J?" Tony's voice came softly from behind him.

"Sergei is targeting you all, I can't put you at risk." Gibbs sighed leaning against the wall his eyes closed.

Tony looked around and realizing they were alone he stepped closer, "'s ok. We know it's Sergei and we will be careful, we are all trained, Just relax."

"About Rebecca...I didn't…" he broke off.

Tony smiled as he looked into Gibbs worried eyes. "I know, you were both asleep when I came around last night, I heard you call my name in your sleep, I put a blanket over you both and left you there."

"You didn't think I had slept with her, scuttlebutt in the whole building said I did." he looked down at his shoes.

Tony put his hand under his chin and lifted it so he looked straight into his lovers eyes, "Leroy Jethro Gibbs, we have been together for over a year, I trust you and I love you and I know that you would never...ever cheat on me."

Jethro smiled, "No I wouldn't...but you left us there, you could have woken me?"

Tony gave a small laugh, "And out you to your ex, especially as she's friends with Diane, not a good idea babe."

Gibbs' eyebrow lifted at the term of endearment Tony had just used.

"You know you nearly gave yourself away earlier." Gibbs said as he stepped back.

"How?" Tony asked as he sat down on the nearest step.

"Rebecca…" Gibbs sat next to him.

"Rebecca?" it was Tony's turn to look confused.

Gibbs smirked. "I was just divorcing Stephanie when you joined NCIS, she was after Rebecca….you wanna explain to the others how you know so much?"

Tony laughed, "Nope...just let them think I have awesome detective skills." He stood up and straightened his pants down turned and held his hand out, "We'll get em boss." he smiled as Gibbs took his hand and Tony pulled him up.

"You want me to question her?" Tony asked.

Gibbs smiled he loved it when Tony was like this, "Nope. She's my problem, you go with McGee, see what else you can dig up, we need to find out where this guy is hiding."

Tony nodded and headed back to the bullpen knowing that even though Gibbs wasn't drinking his coffee his head was on straight enough now to cope with this.

A few hours later he was in shock as he watched Gibbs step off the elevator.

His heart leapt into his throat as he saw the blood up the side of his face.

"Boss?" he asked worried.

Gibbs shook his head, to let Tony know it wasn't his blood and Tony let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding in.

"Have you got anything?"

Tony shook his head, he didn't know what to say.

Gibbs walked out of the room as he turned the corner he shot Tony a look that Tony caught.

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