The Dream

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Authors Note
Hello Wattpad peoples! I decided after reading every freakin werewolf story on here, to create my own. So if it's terrible, don't judge me.


The twigs underneath my feet pricked my skin with every step. The branches around me cut into my flesh, racing against me, as if it was pushing me back.

I kept looking back. I felt like something was watching me, toying with me.

Suddenly I felt something large pin me down to the ground. I felt the cracking of my bone as it pushed all it's weight on me. I felt the soft fur brush against my face, and I knew it wasn't human. I screamed and thrashed as much as I could, which came out like a whimper and a shudder.

I couldn't breathe. My lungs were being crushed by it's weight. I was dying. I could feel my life force slowly slipping away, like I was being drained of my self, if possible.

I wouldn't open my eyes. All I saw was my family. Memories of them flashed through my mind. I couldn't let them down. I growled, something that I had done a couple minutes before, and threw the creature off me. I propped my self up on my elbows, pain slicing through my right ankle.

I then saw it was a wolf, a incredibly pissed off wolf. Shock and disbelief flashed through it's memorizing vibrant red eyes, before everything got fuzzy. And I welcomed the darkness.

Hello lovely earthlings,

I'm honestly discovering how bad I an at authors notes so I wont be doing many of these :/  But that was a dream just if their was any confusion. Also please read this since I won't be doing a lot of them, when I do make these, it's because its important and I want to answer your questions. Ok just remember... You is smart, you is kind, and you is important.

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