Ch 2: The Disappearance

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I know. He is FINE.

I woke up on alert earning me a wack in the face from my seatbelt. On top of that I had to wipe off the drool from my face with my hand.

God I'm sexy.

I've had that dream for years now. Everyday it seems to be getting more and more vivid, more real. I wonder what it's about. Most people think that dreams are your subconscious telling you how your dealing with your life. I don't feel like I'm not controlling my life, I feel stable. So what does it mean?

I was interrupted from my thoughts with a slap in the face, more like a tap, with a tiny hand.

"Ana, Ana look I see the rwides!! We gonna rwide awl the rwides, rwight Ana?!" I look up to see my little brothers excited face lookin through my window telling me to look at the rollercoasters through the trees. I never looked.

"Mickey your to small to ride all of the rides, but I'll make sure to let you ride every one that will allow you on." I smiled at him and he returned it with a big goofy smile revealing his dimples and faint drool that was on his chin a while ago.

"Yaayyy!! Ana! Ana! Ana! Ana!" He began to chant my name. I yelled at him to shut up through my laughter. My mom and dad giggled from the front seat as he climbed in my lap.

And then, gone.

I was alone.

And it felt as if I wasn't just alone in the car.

My family, Mickey, they were no longer with me.

I was alone.

In a moving speeding car on the freeway with other cars with no driver.

It all happened too fast. I had no time to think, relax my body, scream, nothing.

He roughly pulled me up by my hair, I whimpered in pain, causing him to chuckle.

Sadistic bastard.

He pulled me out into the hallway. The lights blinded me, a complete difference from the dark cell and I quickly shut my eyes.

"It's a shame your a rouge, a pretty little thing like you, its almost sad." he said. Rouge? Like a wolf exiled from it's pack?

Before I could protest, I was hand cuffed to the point where my wrists scraped against the cold metal, making me bleed. And I knew I was going to have bruises in the morning.

I was dragged outside, I could hear mummers of people. Lots of people.

A smell hit my nose, it was intoxicating. My body completely relaxed, I felt so safe. Despite the fact I was being dragged by a demon. I was confused with my feelings. I hear a howl from within me and I tensed,

What the hell...


The voice, it was so smooth yet masculine and rough at the same time. I almost moaned at just the one word. Who was this enchanter that could make my knees weak with just one word?

I was stuck in the trance, and almost didn't notice footsteps coming from in front of me, I didn't dare look up. I don't think I could control myself if I did.

It stopped a few inches in front.

"Look at me" the same voice instructed, but this time, it was softer.

I slowly looked up.

I gasped when we made eye contact. he was a foot taller that me, so I had to crane my neck to look into his deep brown eyes that got darker by the second. His god-like face was sculpted to perfection. The stubble on his face add to his beauty, his lips were absolutely mouthwatering. It was as if I was dying of dehydration, and only he could quench my thirst. Not only was a extremely attracted to him physically, I was mentally as well. It was like I saw my entire family in his eyes. Everything I ever wanted, it was right here in front of me. I felt, complete.

His face was laced in awe and mixed emotions. Then his eyes turned complete black as he pulled me closer to him. My skin tingled at his touch, pulsing to my very core. He bent his head down to my neck, I felt his nose brush past my neck and I shivered. I honestly wasn't sure who was holding me up anymore. He inhaled deeply, and I heard a low rumble within his chest, almost like a growl.


"""""""Ok so Lily Collins is Lucy and Nick Bateman with his sexy ass will be Lucian.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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