Chapter 9

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As I pack my bags once again, Bella comes into my room with Bucky's journal.

"There's one more thing in here that I think you should take with you. It's for him, for Steve Rogers," She takes out an envelope that was stuck between the pages and hands it to me. I take it in my hands and look at the name written on the front and the address written underneath. The same one Joe had given me. My heart started racing, he was trying to send Steve a letter.

"Thank you.. was there anything else in there that I should know about?" I ask her. She gives me a small smile and shakes her head.

"Nothing else you should know about at this moment, but once this is all over I'm sure you will find out one way or another" she says raising her eybrows at me. I gently laugh and walk over to her throwing ny arms around her in a hug.

"Thank you Bella. This means so much to me" I tell her.

"Hey of course. Besides, this might be way bigger than we think. If the Captain is going to keep secrets from us, we need to figure out what's happening" she says and I agree with her. I close up my suitcase and say my final goodbyes and then I'm out the door.

In order to avoid the agency knowing I was leaving the state, I couldn't take the company jets to New York. Instead I hopped on a regular airline and pretended I was on my way to a nice Broadway trip. This meant without clearance from the Captain, I couldn't bring any of my weapons with me. Just the essentials any New Yorker would probably have. Pepper spray and a pocket knife. The entire flight I was planning out my next moves. I had the letter and the address Joe gave me, but I still felt nervous. If Steve Roger was really there, how can I show him he can trust me. I can give him the letter and hope he just assumes I'm the good guy.    Considering Steve Roger's faked his own death, he obviously wants to live in a quiet peace as an old man and retire. I just have to trust that this letter will say what needs to be said and he'll believe its really from Bucky. I knew this would be challenging, but I'm ready. Anything to save Bucky.

A couple hours later, I'm off the plane and in a taxi that will drop me off near the target location. The ride was silent execpt for the drops of the New York rain hitting the roof of the vehicle and my own thoughts about the situation.. My stomach was doing flips as we approached the destination. But I have in my head exactly what I'm going to say.

After I'm out of the taxi, I flip up the hood of my coat and walk a couple more blocks to the exact address that could hold all the answers we need to help save Bucky. I take a deep breath and walk slowly up the steps to the door. There is a small part of the roof that stuck out overhead which partially blocks me from the rain. I knock three times and wait a few moments. The silence is filled with the sound of the raindrops dripping off my back and my own heartbeat and my body is overwhelmed with anticipation. Suddenly the sound of footsteps approach the door and a voice from inside asks,

"Who is it?" An older man's voice chimes out. I let out a breath, I'm feeling hopeful.

"Bucky Barnes needs your help" I say right away. Then there's silence. More silence. But there is no sound of footsteps moving away. He's not opening the door, so I take the letter out of my bag and slide it through the letter slot in the door. I wait a few minutes, hoping that he's reading the letter. He still hasn't walked away, so I take that as a good sign.

"Who are you" the voice finally speaks through the door, but its more strained than before. I wonder what the letter said.

"My name is Y/n. I want to help too" I say, weary of giving out my real name. But if its who I think it is in there, he needs to know that I have a name I'm willing to share. That I'm only human.

The sound of locks click and the doorknob starts to turn. The door pulls open just enough to see a sliver of the inside. But its too dark and I can't make out a face. The voice speaks again.

"Y/n.." he pauses. I hold my breath.. "I've heard about you. Come around through the back alley" the man says and closes the door completely shut, clicking the locks once again.

This time I do hear footsteps moving further away from the door. I come down from the steps and around to the left side of the building where there is a narrow alley way. I follow it down, avoiding the dips in the ground where deep puddles have begun to form from the rain. When I reach the end I look to my right and find a backdoor cracked open. I make my way towards it slowly pushing it inwards and entering the building. I enter into a kitchen where there is a small amount of daylight coming in from the window facing the alley. To the left is a dining area with a table and a mans silhouette standing near one of the chairs. I stand in the doorway and watch the man. Not sure how far to enter the house, not sure what I can say. After a moment of watching each other he makes the first move and steps forward and into some of the light. I wasnt too familiar with Steve Rogers younger face. I briefly saw Captain America in ads or in the news. But something about this older man told me that this was exactly who I was looking for. He continues closer, pulling a few letters from behind his back and handing them to me.

"That wasn't the first letter I've received from him. He's written...a lot about you, Y/n. Seems like you've really captured his heart, which I never thought would be possible for him" Steve says as I take the letters in my hands and open one of them.

Hey Steve, hope you're well and living life like the old man you've always been inside. :) I've settled in at this new agency. I requested to work alone until I get my bearings and now they've got me going on this mission to Florida with a new partner. Her name is Y/n and she is a pain in my ass. She's the smartest, most beautiful and most intriguing woman I have ever met. You would love her. I'd been trying to keep my distance from her, but it's been so hard. I've never felt like this before and I know that there are still things for me to figure out. I'm working hard to fix everything. I'll write soon.
Bucky Barnes

I smile at the letter, knowing that he was still writing to his friend about everything was so good. Steve then hands me the most recent letter, the one I had given him. I look up at him unsure if I should read it. He nods.

Steve, things have escalated in a way that I had hoped it would never come to again. I don't know if you're really there since you don't return these letters. But I needed to write this down and hope someone sees it. I don't know if I'm in danger or not but... my arm is gone. I ripped it off my own fucking body, isn't that insane. Someone was trying to use the red book again. I have no clue who they are working for but they were going to make me hurt her. I fought so hard and because of her I was able to resist the mind control and free myself. They hurt her though, she recovered but is still suffering and I can't help but feel like its all my fault. Because I didn't go into hiding again they somehow found me and she is in danger because of it. But I've fallen for her so hard. She is one of the toughest fighters I know. She'd have fit right in with The Avengers. But there's so much she doesn't know. The Captain at this agency is going to find out soon where I actually came from and what the Russians want with me. I don't know that there's much I can do to save myself anymore. I'm sure the Captaim wants to use me as a weapon against the Russians. I was trying to build myself a new arm but the only thing I have left is to hope that Y/n will figure out some way to fight for me. If she isn't completely turned away from me at this point. I don't want

And the letter cuts off there. I feel like i can't breathe. I'm the only thing he has left. He doesn't know that Steve is really here and he definitely doesn't know that I've gone to see him. I'm assuming this must have been written right before they locked him away in that cell and he was able to hide the ketter away in the journal just in time. I look up to Steve.

"Steve Rogers, it's good to meet you sir. Can you please tell me what I need to know about Bucky. How I can help him?"

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