Part One: Bedroom Blues

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Jane woke suddenly from her sleep, wondering if it was all a dream as her tired eyes adjust to the early morning light. She glances around her new and unfamiliar bedroom littered with partially empty moving boxes and takeaway containers. Her bedroom windows wet with condensation from a long, cold night coupled with warm, heavy breathing; while birds are delicately perched just outside singing their morning songs against a sky still dark blue. 

"Fuck," she moaned loudly as the birds continue to serenade; and the rancid smell of vaginal discharge fills the once stale, now sourly fragranced air. "My tight, gorilla grip pussy is so wet and clumpy."

She tugs aside her sopping wet panties, plunging her voluptuous yet slender fingers deep into her throbbing, inflamed pussy as if digging for buried treasure or mining for gold. As her neighbours watch on in horror and disgust through her bedroom window, she writhes on her unmade bed, tossing her head back violently until she knocks herself out on her bed frame.

She awakens.

"Wow," she sighs, rolling over; noticing a newly soaked area on her cum-stained stained sheets. "That was such a great dream where I was masturbating and my neighbors saw and I knocked myself out when I camed really hard." 

Realising she is busting for a piss, Jane makes her way from her disgusting bed to the bathroom, picking up some lone food containers and strewn wrappers and throwing the eclectic handful with full force into the bin as she goes. The bathroom is one of the coldest rooms in the her new house. it's a narrow room yet it houses everything perfectly and features a lone frosted glass window and beneath, the free standing tub. She's yet to unpack and hang her collection of vile, graphic erotic artwork above the toilet where she is about to sit. Resting her juicy, plump arse onto the soft, plush toilet seat cover that was here before she had moved in, she begins to relieve herself, hard. 

Pushing the hot piss out of her bladder as hard as she can. It rushes out of her, burning and stinging as it greets the frigid water waiting below. A splash of toilet water presses its icy lips to her ham-sandwich labia and sends a roll of shivers throughout her body.

"Fuck!" she exclaims, overcome by the sensation.

As she rises from her damp cotton toilet seat cover and doesn't flush once again, the doorbell rings out through the house. Looking at the clock, she realises that she organised for a repairman to fix her trash compacter. Skidding on a bit of wee that dripped onto the bathroom floor in her roller-skates, Jane dashes downstairs, struggling with her stale, crusty panties as she fights her way to the front door. The frosted glass prevents anyone from fully seeing into the house which gives Jane a quick moment to compose herself. "First visitor in my new house," she chirps aloud as she fixes her hair in the hallway mirror. "Should I put pants on? Maybe something that isn't see-through and shows my pussy through the lace."

"Uh... Hello? Is someone there?" comes a deep, sexy voice from beyond the front door.

Jane, who is now completely and utterly aroused by the visitors voice slowly opens the door, revealing her almost recently shaven leg first, rubbing up and down the front of the door with her delicate, nubile foot. Moaning. When the door opens fully, their eyes meet and in that moment, everything around them disappears. No more birds singing or breeze blowing through the tall, god-like trees, nothing but the immediate heightened sexual tension between them.

"You called for a repairman - Jane, is it?" he asks with what could be a hint of flirting, a slightly seductive tone of voice that invites a playful response, or perhaps it could just be a regular question and making the exchange sexual could make this moment extremely uncomfortable.

"Yeah we spoke on the phone," she giggles playfully like a schoolgirl, bitting her bottom lip a little bit too hard, puncturing it and twirling her poorly bleached hair, causing some to break and fall out. She smiles and the pooling blood from her punctured lips oozes down her chin, "Come on in, it's just through the hall into that room past the kitchen."

Jane shadows closely behind the repairman, catching scents of his 3 in 1 shampoo, conditioner and body wash- she was almost certain it was Old Spice, and not the 'home brand' version -mixing with his natural body odor as they walk towards the laundry room.

Jane motions toward the trash compactor, "Here it is, It stopped working a fews days ago but I've been super busy moving in I just didn't have time to fix it myself. I poured some bleach in there earlier, or was that bubble bath? Same difference" Jane's eyes gleaming, she giggled at her forgetfulness, which turned into a bellowing laugh, making her shit a little. She thought to herself that she definitely needed more fibre, as it oozed through her lacy panties.

"You know how to fix this?" he queries.

"No," she says. A very long and awkward pause ensues. "Anyway ever since it stopped working I've had to throw all my trash outside over the balcony and it's getting a little ridiculous—"

"Sorry, but this isn't a trash compactor." He interjects, after inspecting the very obvious top-loader washing machine.

"Are you sure?" Jane replies feigning puzzlement, looking at the man seductively. "I've always thrown my trash in it, that's what it's for right?" 

"This is a washer," he says bewildered, gesturing at the machine. "You wash clothes in it."

"Oopsie! Whatever you say," Jane purrs in a seductive tone, rubbing her neck and pushing her breasts together in her blood soaked camisole. "What was your name again? I don't think I asked before."

"My name's Josef... Josef Plunge," he says in his sexy fucking voice. Fuck. Jane is so horny.

As Repairman Josef lifts the lid of the washing machine, he is greeted by the diabolical, rancid stench of human shit. It looks as though Jane —thinking she was compacting trash— repeatedly put the machine onto the default cycle which in-turn created a horrific sludge of rotting food and human waste, topped with multitudes of soiled panties that Jane had tossed in after shitting in them, perhaps by accident, perhaps not.

Repairman Josef vomits all over himself.

"Oh I know, what a sight!" Jane coos, still pushing and rubbing her breasts in a futile and embarrassing attempt to seduce Repairman Josef, who is violently vomiting.

He makes moves erratically through the laundry door, slipping on vomit as he proceeds to sprint out of the apartment. Jane runs after him in a flash, thinking she would catch him at the lift, however he darted straight for the stairs. Before she knew it, he'd already left in his truck, leaving her all alone to deal with her potentially lethal sludge-filled washer. 

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