Pt. 12

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you watch the other groups go with shinsou at your side 

Shinsou- ''okay I'm up...ill talk to you later y/n....cmon kirishima lets go'' 

Kirishima- ''you got it bro!"

they start to walk out of the room 

Y/n- ''good luck shinsou" 

he looks at you over his shoulder and winks at you 

Kirishima- {humph fine y/n don't wish me luck or anything} 

Y/n- ''haha you too kiri'' 

they both walk out of the room smiling

you watch them on the screens running through the course 

Kirishima- ''soo shinsou im gonna ask you again. whats the deal with you and y/n? and don't tell me you don't have feelings. I saw your face when bakugou was holding y/n's hand. you were clearly jealous'' 

Shinsou- ''yeah I was. but I don't know if y/n sees me that way. plus we haven't known each other for that long. anyways denki told me that he doesn't wanna try with y/n anymore..what about you'' 

Kirishima- ''look man I'm gonna respect the decision that y/n makes in the end. I'm not a terrible guy and Ill always support and respect y/n..." 

Shinsou- ''but''

Kirishima- ''but unlike denki I'm not gonna drop out....y/n's such a cool person..good looking, smart, still gonna try" 

Shinsou- ''alright'' {damn} 

they make it to the bomb and shinsou disarms it. they head back. 

Aizawa- ''alright good job everyone this is all I have for today. plus I have to deal with some things. you're all dismissed" *he leaves* 

Mina- ''yesss this works out perfectly! now we have even more time to go to the party tonight" 

Momo- ''you're right! this is going to be a lot of fun!"

shinsou enters the room and you go to him 

Y/n- ''hey! good job out there'' *you smile at him and he blushes a little bit* 

Bakugou- *mutters* ''tch I did better than him'' 

you look over your shoulder at bakugou and roll your eyes and he looks down and blushes 

Mina- ''cmon y/n lets go talk about what we're wearing tonight and stuff'' 

Y/n- ''sure'' *you look at shinsou* ''you're going tonight...riiiight?" *you look up at him with soft eyes* 

Shinsou- ''...yeah ill see you there'' 

you smile at him and walk out with mina 

the day goes by and its almost time to get going 

you walk into minas room ready for the party 

Mina- ''alright you ready y/n- wooooah you look hOT'' 

Y/n- ''ahaha thanks mina you too. you ready?'' 


you both walk out to the main room where everyone is waiting 

Kirishima- *talking to everyone* ''yeah so this is- holy shit'' 

everyone turns when to look at you when Kirishima stops talking 

Bakugou- {ohwhathehell} 

Shinsou- {wow} *starts blushing* 

Kirishima- {oh my god OH MY GOD} 

Y/n- ''can you guys stop staring? lets go haha" 

Shinsou- *walks up to you and leans down to whisper in your ear* ''who the hell said you could look that good huh'' 

Y/n- {again with the change in character?} ''ahaha cmon lets go'' *you look at him and wink*

you two walk out together 

Denki- ''kirishima y/n looked gooooood-''

Kirishima- ''woah'' 

Bakugou- ''uhm *cough* lets go guys"

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